Ignorance is bliss

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Short update but I promise I'll update soon, I've got a lot of inspiration right now so Yay!

Merry Christmas for those who celebrate and happy holidays for everyone!!!


As she stared at the results of her investigation, Sakura wondered when her life had become this dramatic farce.
If she was a lower being she'd blame it on Kaito. He'd been the true catalyst to her awakening to the ninja world. She was sure that, if he hadn't talked to her that day she would be far from the kunoichi she was now.

A small, cynical, childish part of her did blame him, it was easy to. But she knew deep down that it was her, and her only, that threw herself down the dangerous rabbit hole that was ninja life.
The facts were that she couldn't change the past. She couldn't undo her actions, change her decision or erase the memories of what had happened. She couldn't just ignore everything. She wouldn't forgive herself if she did.

Sakura absentmindedly fiddled with the hem of her shirt, while her eyes scoured the scroll for the hundredth time, unbelieving.
The implications of her discovery, the meanings... The puzzle was wide and intricate, even more so than she'd previously thought, and Sakura was slowly regretting her life choices.

The village had ordered Uchiha Itachi to massacre his clan.

That, or he was willingly being framed.
But what goal, what motive... The gears in her head were turning so fast the pink girl was surprised no one heard the creak when realization dawned upon her.

Itachi was protecting his brother.
It was the most plausible option, obvious, really. After all, Sasuke was the only survivor. In a clan full of prodigies and powerful dojoutsu masters. The fact that a defenseless seven years old managed to survives a face to face meeting with the murderer was highly suspicious and to meet him again, after all these years... The man could have easily killed both Kakashi and Sasuke if he had wanted.
It had been expected of him, and it was more suspicious that he actually didn't.
Although, not as suspicious as said murderer being part of the ANBU which happened to be (or so it seemed) partly controlled by a dangerous megalomaniac.

The extracts of news report and mission reports she has snagged from the restricted part of the library didn't match the story everyone knew of the events that took place that dreadful night.

Howcould a single fourteen year old boy – ANBU commander or no – kill an entire clan in less than a night without any of the other clans noticing? The Uchihas may have been secluded, but Sakura knew from experience that blood had a very distinctive and sharp scent. The Inuzuka should've noticed something! If not them than the Aburame or even a random shinobi worth their salt should have been able to detect a literal bloodbath taking place in their own village.
Except if the village was in on it, a theory that was growing more and more realistic (and dreadful) with each passing second.

In addition to that, the morgue's registration (a short, loathsome but necessary detour) showed the murder of some Uchiha civilians to be taking place simultaneously even though the places of death were in opposite locations. While the bunshin technique was widely known, Sakura doubted that was the case.
Which meant that Itachi had been helped, if it even was him that did the deed. Why then, did Konoha declare him the only one responsible when it would have been beneficial for them to involve another party?

Her mind was running wild, jumping from a horrifying discovery to another until one thought rang clear : this was the reason she was being monitored.
Somehow they knew that Nanami-san knew (for whatever reason) and they feared she'd told Sakura. Perhaps they wanted to be sure the genin was ignorant of the Village's dark secrets or make sure she didn't spill them should she be aware.
And she was aware.
She couldn't deny, now. She couldn't claim innocence, she couldn't claim ignorance.

All her life, Sakura had thirst for knowledge, now... she discovered that it came at a price. And that price was steep.


With trembling hands, Sakura lit the research on fire, watching in rapt attention as all her precious work dissolved in ashes.
The physical proof of what she'd done may have disappeared, but every shred of information was now forever ingrained in her brain.

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