Her nindo

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Because I'm going to a summer camp I won't be updating for some time (not long but still) so there:
long update !!

As a child, Sakura had been a helpless little girl, often bullied by her peers.
It was Ino that had helped her.

At the Academy, Sakura had been a stupid fangirl, giving up her only true friend for a boy she didn't even truly like (The only reason she had obssessed over Sasuke was to feel accepted. As time passed, she convinced herself she liked him... The mission in Wave had been a much needed wake up call).

Now, as a gennin of Konoha, Sakura realised she wouldn't be able to depend on others all her life.
Not Ino, not Sasuke, not Naruto...

She had learnt that the
hard way, and it was not a lesson she would forget anytime soon...Not when she had panic attacks every time she had a flashback.

Perhaps she should talk about it to someone... She quickly dismissed the idea.
If she forced herself to not think to much about it, it was bound to go away. The blood on her hands...

STOP! Not thinking about it! Hum...Flowers, kunai, training.. Right Training!

Shaking her head and willing the dark memories of that night in the corner of her mind, Sakura thought back to a few hours prior when she had been to the hospital.

She honestly didn't know what had come over her. Asking Nanami-san for training?

After a little digging, Sakura had found quite a lot information about the woman, and it didn't sound reassuring...

Nanami-san had been promoted head of the hospital at fourteen, after Tsunade-hime had left.
She was a fearsome woman, some would even call her crazy. And while she was nowhere near the legendary Sannin's level, Nanami was still someone to be feared.

Prodigy in the medical field, she was one of the first to use her techniques not only to heal, but also to maim. Known to be sadistic and impatient, people tended to stay clear of her, prefering to be healed by a nurse than to stay too long in the same room as her.

All in all, she was a demon, but no one could say she wasn't fit to be head of the hospital.
While it was true she didn't spend that much time taking care of the patients, she was very organised and respected (feared) by her colleagues, making her the best option for such a job.

And Sakura had asked her to be her shishou. A mad-woman.

She sighed. A girl had to do what a girl had to do.


The next day, it was with a great amount of stress that Sakura made her way across the village and towards the hospital.

It was early, so early the sun hadn't even come out, and Sakura took the time to admire the sky.

Dawn, she tought, really was beautiful.
The sky was a dark shade of blue, and birds of all sorts were beginning to wake up. In the east, the sun was starting to rise, coloring the sky a light pink.

When she finally arrived in front of the hospital, Sakura took a deep breath to still her nerves, and pushed open the door.

Inside the building, in great contrast to the calm of the streets, nurses and doctors were scurrying everywhere. It was as if they never slept, and, Sakura figured, it was probably the case.
In a shinobi village, there was not a moment when someone was not injured. Training, mission, or accident, this was the life of a ninja.

"Yo! Brat! You came!"

Sakura looked up. Sitting on the railing was Nanami ; and, from the looks the nearby staff were giving her, this was a usual occurence.

"You told me to come at 5, so I came" The girl replied.

"Of course, of course..." Nanami-san laughed and jumped down, her long black hair flowing like a cloak around her.

"I shouldn't have doubted you my dear apprentice." She pat Sakura on the head.

"By the way, does your sensei know about you training here?"

"Hum,no.." Sakura answered, smiling sheepishly,
"did I have to tell him? Kakashi wouldn't mind anyway.." I think.

"Kakashi?As in Hatake Kakashi, copy-cat ninja, porn reading, depressed weirdo?" Nanami barked out a laugh, wiping inexistant tears...
"Oh Jashin, please don't tell him! I SO want to see his face when he realises his dear student is learning under me..! That's gonna be hilarious!"

Sakura was now a little worried. Was there bad blood between her sensei and her new shishou? Something she should know?

"Don't worry darling" The black haired medic reassured,
"It's nothing you need to concern yourself with."

That made Sakura even more worried.

"You're gonna enter the chunnin exams, no?"

Sakura nodded mutely.

"Great! Let the training begin!"

The infamous kunoichi grinned taking her student's hands. Laughing and dancing, she led the poor girl outisde, dragging her down alleys and avenues, all the while still laughing maniacally.

That day, Sakura learnt three things:

1- her sensei was crazy

2- Stamina training sucked

3- Her sensei was CRAZY

The training was hell.

They had trained one day. ONE. DAY. And, well, Sakura had learnt more in these few hours than in the MONTHS she had spent as a gennin under Kakashi.

First, Nanami-san had her run around Konoha until she dropped. Then, the crazy woman would heal her and order her to continue.

After, when the black haired medical nin had deemed the girl had ran enough, they had started sparring. (More like a one-sided beating).

Each time the gennin fell to the ground, she had to push herself back up, her legs wobly, barely holding her weight.
She had fainted several times in the span of an hour, but she continued. She was stubborn.

Many times, the girl asked herself why she did not give up. Life as a kunoichi was hard, training was hard...
She could easily drop out of the program and take up her parent's business. No one would be angry at her. Hell, no one would be surprised, they never expected her to make gennin anyway.

But each time, Sakura would remember the blood on her hands as she drove the kunai into the drunk man's guts.

The body of the small boy, her friend, dying in her arms...

He had been civilian, a lot of people were civilans, but that did not mean they lived an easier, happier life.   It just meant they did not have the tools to fight back, to protect.

Sakura would NOT give up. She would become strong. She would PROTECT those who couldn't protect themselves.

That was her nindo. That was her ninja way.

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