Its not paranoia if they're really out to get you

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With her newly acquaired knowledge came an unhealthy amount of paranoia. Or, like her uncle would say : "it's not really paranoia if they're really out to get you".

The more she strode through the Village, the more she became acutely aware of every movement around her. She could sense the glimmer of chakra from her tails and get glimpses of their unnaturally blank faces at every turn.
In any other situation she would've marveled at the progress : in the span of a week, her sensory abilities had grown exponentially and Sakura was now able to locate the different ranking ninjas solely based on their chakra's mastery. Genin only had a small amount of control, while a jonin's would be carefully monitored and flowed in smooth waves under the skin. ANBU and weird-ANBU were harder, their grasp and finesse more subtle. Often, what betrayed them was that it was too controlled. A lambda civilian's chakra was weak, but also very capricious, and would vary depending on their emotions and situation, ANBU's wouldn't, staying abnormally steady.

Sakura was careful to walk at a relaxed pace, linger near interesting stalls and wave at people she knew. She did her best to match her usual behavior, but the ever looming presence behind her didn't help with her peace of mind.

What if they had seen her burn the documents?

She had been careful to do the last part of her
investigation somewhere where ANBU shouldn't have followed under normal circumstances. She was a genin and the level of surveillance appropriate for her status and the lack of concrete evidence towards her warranted that they shouldn't follow her inside her house. That and the fact that her parents hadn't yet been discovered had led her to think she was safe.
But what if it was all a ploy? A trick for her to let down her guard?

Deep in thought, she didn't notice as someone grabbed her shoulder. She whirled around, kunai in hand and ready to fight whoever thought she'd make an easy prey.

To her utmost surprise, she found herself face to face with Shikamaru. She hadn't seen him since the invasion, and, to be fair, he hadn't changed much.
Blubbering an apology, she put her weapon away.
"So..." an awkward silence stretched between the two before, mercifully, the Nara put an end to it.
"The new Hokage's in town, Naruto came back this morning. Just thought I'd tell you... Didn't think you'd react this way..." he raised a single eyebrow questioningly, but the girl pointedly ignored it.
"Oh, uh... yeah, thanks. I'll just... Go see them?" And with that she sped away.

Sakura went directly to the hospital, her gut instinct telling her that if it really was Tsunade-hime that Naruto had brought back then he would've dragged her kicking and screaming to the hospital to heal Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei.

And she was right. The moment she stepped inside the building (ignoring  the suspicious gaze of the secretary) Sakura heard Naruto's distinctive "Dattebayo!" followed by a loud crash and the sound of walls collapsing.

The young kunoichi navigated the corridors until she found the source of the crash. Standing above the rumble, her hands on her hips, Senju Tsunade was cackling at something Kakashi-sensei had said while a tired looking woman holding a pig face palmed.

"Hokage-sama?" Sakura called out, suddenly unsure of her claim.
The blond woman turned.
"Yes, that's me. What do you want, brat?"

"I... I heard you were back and that you'd been healing Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke..." Sakura blurt out before facing the grey haired man. "I'm glad you're better now, you had us worried."
It wasn't particularly true: Sakura had had too much to worry about to think about her sensei, but the three scrutinizing stares fixed on her made her anxiety spike and her mouth spout nonesense.

"Where are Naruto and Sasuke?" She asked, desperate for anything to distract them.
The few seconds before they answered stretched like an eternity, and Sakura felt naked, as if they could all see through her and her sad attempts at hiding her secrets.

"They're next door." And Sakura bolted.

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