The first step (is a success)

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Sakura paused outside the Hokage's office, adjusting one last time the Yukata, the ample cloth feeling too light on her shoulders, even the weigh of the thin coat of mail hidden behind the layers of fabric wasn't as reassuring as her usual clothes.
Ino was the one that had insisted she wore it, it was a second hand dark green yukata that had probably belonged to one of her cousins before they grew out of it or died.
Wearing something that used to belong to a corpse was disconcerting but it certainly wasn't the worst thing that had happened to her, so Sakura sucked it up and ignored her discomfort to focus on the task at hand.

"We'll all dig around from different places." Shikamaru explained, leaning forward to rest his head on his palms while he detailed the plan.
"Ino, you're dad's grooming you to become the next head of T&I? Use that as an excuse to hang around the place and shadow some regulars. Take up an apprenticeship, listen, look, search for anything that looks even minutely out of place. If you can, try and get access to the Interrogation secor's archives; they work hand in glove with the Cyptology and Information Gathering units so there's bound to be interesting information stashed in there."

Sakura entered the Hokage building, resisting the urge to hike up her flowing pants in order to get up the stairs. After an excuriatingly uncomfortable assencion, she arrived in the dimly lit lobby and nodded a greeting to the two guards stationed on either side of the door before knocking.
A muffled "Yes!" echoed through the thick oak and she stepped inside.
The Hoakge's office was unusually messy, crumbling beneath piles of various files, scrolls and manuscripts.
At the desk, lady Tsunade was chugging a bottle of sake, completely ignoring the literal pile of work waiting to be done.The young dark haired woman that always followed her was standing besides her, looking somewhere between furious and resigned.

"Choji, you're underestimated and forgettable. Don't look at me like that, it's true. Use it. People talk a lot when they think no one's listening, go to the bars, the food stalls, the genin lounge... every scrap of gossip, secrets, everything is important even if it doesn't seem like it. And not just shinobi rumors, civilians hear a lot too."

For a moment, none of the women looked at her and Sakura wondered if she had heard right. A quick apologetic glance thrown towards her by the youngest, Shizune if she remembered right, reassured her that her presence in the room wasn't unwelcome.

"I'm so sorry, Sakura-san was it? Tsunade here has some forms to fill in but we'll be with you in a minute."
Sakura nodded in response, leaving the two women to glare at each other in a silent argument about paperwork.
Being in the room without her team felt weird. There were no loud and boisterous mission reports no ramen rants or aloof remarks and haughty scoffs. It was awfully different.
And Sakura felt like an even worse teammate.
She had been neglecting her duties as a ninja, as teammate, since the beginning.
First, by acting as a dead weight, always relying on their protection to survive. Then, when she had finally started to take everything more seriously, she hadn't actually helped her teammates.

And, she just told Sasuke some things she knew would upset him...

Worst of all, and Sakura hated herself for that, she hadn't even noticed Naruto's absence.
He had gone on a training trip with the sanin Jiraya and Sakura hadn't even realized he was missing until Shikamaru'd informed her.

However... even if she hadn't been the best, Sakura also knew that the responsibility wasn't hers to bear alone. A relationship, no matter the nature, worked both ways and trying to fill the void between team 7 by herself wouldn't have been possible.
They were nothing like team 10, that she had quickly realized.
After spending some time with them, Sakura had noticed, how could she have not, the bond that linked the three of them. A bond forged in understanding and mutual respect.
There was... little of that within team seven.

Sakura shook her head vigorously, she couldn't afford to loose herself in memories of her team, not when there was something so much more important at sake.

"Sakura.You're smart, but you're also from a civilian background." Shikamaru paused slightly, casting her a quick glance before forging on. "I know it doesn't mean you are helpless. More than anyone I think I understand the power that comes from building yourself up from nothing. However... Not everyone thinks like I do." a sigh "But you can use this. Like I have told Chouji earlier, being underestimated isn't an insult, it's a weapon. People see you as a frail little girl whose future will always be overshadowed by her teammates. In their eyes you are nothing more than cannon fodder or a measley paper ninja. Than be that." Shikamaru nodded as he saw understanding dawn on her face.
"If you are what they are expecting than they have no reason to question you. Be smart, be observant and most of all be meek and no one will look twice." At this point, Sakura and Shikamaru both had matching feral grins on their face. If there was one thing a genius loved more than a good scheme was when people fell for it.

"I hear the Hokage's been looking for another secretary to help her assistant. I recommend you apply."

Tsunade-sama sighed, a bone-deep, weary sigh, and put down her alcohol.
"So, brat" she began, leaning back into her chair. "Why'd you come 'ere for?" The slight slur in her voice was unmistakeable and Sakura didn't know whether to feel indignant or proud to not be worth being sober for.

"I was wondering if..." Sakura's voice trailed off under the scrutinizing gaze of the fierce woman. This was beginning to look harder than boldly lying to a famed torture specialist.

"Speak up, twerp. 'don't have all day."

"I was wondering what the requirements were for the secretary position were and if it was still available." Sakura blurted out in a single breath.

As soon as the words were out of her mouth, the Hokage deflated, shooting a bitter look at Shizune.

"That's what you did?"
"Yes, Tsunade-sama" the young woman replied, unfazed. "You refuse to do your duties, and I can't very well do it all on my own, can I?"

The blond sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose. She stared scrutinizing at Sakura, eyes trailing along her sleeves no doubt noting the unnatural tenseness of her limbs that barely concealed the presence of hidden weapon.

"Well..." Tsunade drawled, looking longingly at her sake and back at the girl "I don't see why the fuck not. Consider yourself hired, kid! Work'll starts tomorrow at 6. Don't be late." And with that, she returned to her cheerful drinking under the reproachful gaze of her assistant.

"Don't stress it, Sakura." Shizune reassured after firing a glare of intense disapproval at her boss,
"Just ask for me at the reception." She smiled gently "You can go now. Just don't follow your senesi's exemple and show up on time, nee?" Shizune added the last part with a teasing grin, but Sakura felt anxiety bloom in her stomach like a flower made of lead. All her reminscing about her team and she had completely forgotten about Kakashi. And people called her smart.
Sakura nodded and exited the tower.
She made her way home but nonetheless took notice that her tails, that had been trailing her all morning as were they're habit, hadn't followed her inside the building and had instead been dutifully waiting outside, like well-behaved dogs.

Or cowered pets intelligent enough not to step in the wolf's den.

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