Training with a new sensei (again)

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Yeah, sorry, this chapter's quite short... The next one is long tho! I'll probably update in two/three days.
(and yeah, sorry for not updating like I said I would, school was rly exhausting...)


Training with Nanami-san was hard, no question asked.
She would yell at you, threaten you, make you get up and run the extra mile, just because you didn't repond fast enough. You'd have to sit in seiza for hours on end, without complaining, while reciting the correct recipe for some random poison...

Training with Kabuto was different.

And not good different.

It was as if he didn't want Sakura to get better! He would make her practice with a disability, like without her eyes or without her arms... and he would throw weapons at her!
The b*stard called it "dodging practice" but Sakura had a growing suspicion the man was just sadistic.

Seriously, if the guy didn't have such knowledge in medical ninjutsu,the poor girl would've probably already lost a limb...

Which led her to her current problem : how was he still a genin?

Kabuto was strong. He hit hard, was really fast,super good at iryo ninjutsu AND, Sakura was sure, he still wasn't going all out.
He had that look in his eyes, like his glasses would glow, when he looked at the openings in her stance, or when she asked an obvious (in his opinion) question.

He was far from the happy-go-lucky, helpful person he had been during the exams... Was it all a cover? A scheme to look weaker than he really was?...


If so... than it was a god damn good idea!!

Cha! If everyone thinks I'm weak then let them think so! They won't be smirking when I kick their ass all the way to space!! Shannaro!

She giggled, a crazed look in her eyes. Oops... Maybe hanging out with people like her shishou wasn't the best influence...

"Sakura,are you slacking off?" Kabuto asked, from behind her, his voice low and threatening.
When had he gotten here?!

"Of...of course not Kabuto-san!" She replied hurriedly, "I just finished the target practice as if I were blind!"


Kabuto peered curiously at the pink genin.
Honestly, he had expected her to give up. He didn't understand why he should spend his days training a genin from an ennemy village... But... Nanami-san had asked (*cough*ordered*cough*) and who was he to disobey? Certainly not the right hand man to one of the most dangerous rogue ninja...

Getting back to matters at hand, Kabuto was quite surprised at the determination and skill the young girl had shown. From what he had seen in the forest of death, she was just a no-name civilian smart enough to score 'kunoichi of the year' and get on a team with two powerhouse.
In other words: the cannon fodder.

But... She wasn't. Sure, she had no prior training, absolutely no skill in taijutsu, and chakra reserves so small she would be useless at ninjutsu ; but... she seemed to soak up everything like a fucking sponge!

"Good."He leaned back against a tree and thought back to the three days they'd spent together.

The girl was determined, smart and patient. And she wanted to learn iryo-ninjutsu.

"You're weak." Kabuto stated.
Sakura flinched at the harsh words but kept her cool. She had learnt it was better to just let him talk, lest she wanted to finish the day tied to a log.

"Even if you train you'll never be able to be as strong as your teamates. You can't do ninjutsu or high level genjutsu with your measley chakra reserves. You're useless at taijutsu, and kenjutsu ; it's a wonderKonoha even lets people like you become ninja." He sneered down at the girl who looked smaller with each passing remark.

"Read these books." he ordered, dropping a humongus pile of medicinal and anatomy guides on the floor. "If in three weeks you're done, I'll teach you the mystical palm."

And with that, he dispapeared in a cloud of smoke.

Sighing, Sakura plopped down on the grass and opened the first book.

Why were all her sensei so weird?




Thank you soo much for reading (and enjoying?) my story!!!

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