42. Understanding

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42. Understanding

Edward's POV

        Bella would never stop surprising me. The next morning, she exited the room where she had been rocking Anthony all night. I knew from reading Jasper's thoughts that she was grieving. Losing Charlie was hard for her because during the months of her pregnancy, she had grown closer to him. Charlie had become the father she wished she had her entire life. When she left that room, I was a little surprised because I didn't see a weak person. She left her feelings and thoughts of Charlie in that room. I stared after her captivated by the woman I saw in her place. Instead of resenting us for changing her, she was grateful. She had seen vampirism as her salvation. She would not grow old but she would watch her children grow into their person. The way she saw it, she wouldn't miss anymore of their lives than she already had. I also knew that Anthony was a surprise for her considering he was half Mike.  

Just the thought of that boy made my fingers tighten into a fist. The only pieces of him in those children were of his good side. I didn't see even a glimpse of his darkness in the irises of his daughter. She shared his blue eyes but all I could detect was kindness. It all made sense in a strange way because of Seth. In the few minutes I had known Seth, I could see he and Elizabeth would be perfect for each other. He would protect her with his life if it came to it. His thoughts were pure and kind something Elizabeth surely needed. I suspected Bella was on my side in this situation. Elizabeth would never have to worry searching the world for a decent guy, the fates had chosen for her.

There was a struggle at first with my thoughts on Seth, but seeing and hearing him with Elizabeth I realized it was innocent. The rest of the world could only wish for a love like theirs.

My sense of smell followed Bella through the house. She was carrying Anthony in her arms cuddling him to her chest. Despite the kids being human, hardly any of us had a problem with their presence. Even Jasper seemed alright with being around them. I read his thoughts and not one single glimmer of thirst past his thoughts toward the children. Perhaps all of us on some level had fallen for these children before they were born. We all had prepared for Bella's change eventually and with the kids we all knew they were coming. Even if Bella hadn't essentially died after childbirth, I had a feeling she would have become a vampire eventually. I was beginning to learn there was nothing I wouldn't grant her now. We were equals and I would love her and our children forever. That's what they were to me. No paper or blood could tell me that those children were not mine. I already loved them like my own and I forever would love them.

Bella being a vampire had been incredible. Even her near miss with human blood proved that maybe Bella had been born for this life. The thought me want to laugh. Bella, born to be a vampire. The more the thought sat in my head the more I began to really believe it. She was much better at controlling her thirst already about her children. Not once had Jasper looked up from his place reading on the couch in alarm. He would be the first to realize if Bella had any trouble with her thirst toward her children. It didn't surprise me anymore about Bella's aversion to nearly everything typical of a vampire. She was skipping her entire newborn year despite her near miss. I had a feeling her near misses wouldn't happen too often if they ever happened again. I was only too grateful she didn't resent me for changing her. If anything it appeared that Bella might actually want to kiss me for this life. That, I wouldn't mind too much actually.

I pushed up from the couch my thoughts following Seth with Lizzy, Emmett outside with the remaining wolves, and Alice grumbling in her room about her visions. Jasper was reading silently in the living room as usual while Esme was in the kitchen with Bella, Rose, and Anthony. it would seem that those three were every bit attached to the children as we all thought. Seth and Elizabeth had been asleep for a good portion of the night. With Seth at her side, Elizabeth was sleeping soundly despite only being three days old. My suspicion was that would all change in a matter of hours once her tiny stomach demanded food.

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