22. Shock

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22. Shock


The incessant noise in my ears brought me to consciousness. I figured it was my alarm clock waking me for another dreadful day of school. I had to go back there dealing with seeing Mike’s face after his horrible stalker self in Port Angeles just Friday.

Wait a minute. How did I get home? I could barely remember Saturday how the hell was it already Monday.

I sighed, hearing a shift in the room. A burst of wind hit my arm causing me to shiver before the coldest fingers touched my skin. Instinctively I wanted to pull away but in the back of my mind I knew this coldness was right it brought nice feelings and it was home for me. That coldness was my family, my safeguard. I forced my eyes to open against the blinding white light greeting me. The ceiling was a familiar white that I could remember from all of my scrapes back in Arizona. Hospital. The beeping became understandable as I lowered my gaze from the white of the ceiling. The lights suddenly lowered and it wasn’t so hard to look round anymore.

The machines were beeping keeping up with my heartbeat. There was another machine I wasn’t familiar with that was checking something else. I thought it was a machine for a baby or something but I wasn’t as sure as I had never seen one of those before. Not to mention the fact that I wasn’t pregnant so it must have been left over from another patient or something.


I jumped slightly at the voice saying my name. It was low and hesitant but with a certain edge to it. The voice made the machine beep more which only caused the heat to travel from my neck into my cheeks. I turned toward him to see him reaching out for my hand with a serious expression on his face.

Edward Cullen.

What? Wh…

Suddenly I remembered as if my mind was catching with events. He had picked me up from the house making me cancel my plans with Mike. We drove in my truck out to the forest where we hiked for a good two hours probably before coming to a beautiful meadow. In that meadow he was more open and told me most things about him. I still didn’t know everything about him but I knew enough now.

“Bella! I’m so glad you’re awake. You scared me so much when you passed out.”

His mentioning the passing out brought my last memory of the meadow to my mind. The embarrassing heat slid up my neck into my face as I recalled my horrendous actions. My stomach had bothered me so badly that the pain caused me to pass out into Edward’s arms. The only time I had even been in his arms close to his ice cold skin, and I was passed out from stomach problems. It made no sense because I had eaten so much food for breakfast and I wasn’t hungry. I starved myself all the time around Mike and I never did this before. Nothing made sense in my jumbled brain. The idea of passing out without provocation worried me severely. Had Mike’s abuse left lingering internal damage? Were things even worse on the inside than I even knew?

“Bella, try not to move too much. Your body needs to relax. Otherwise the worrying will cause you to pass out again,” said Edward removing his hand from my knuckles.

I nodded blinking as I turned toward the machines momentarily. I worried about all the machines hooked up to me as I even followed the clear cord protruding from my arm. I discovered it was an IV with medicine hanging right beside the bed on the metal stand.

“C-Can I sit up?”

Edward nodded moving quickly to my side to help me sit up in the hospital bed.

“D-Does m-my da-dad n-know?”

Edward shook his head as he sat partially on my bed taking my free hand, “No, he doesn’t know. Do you remember what happened?”

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