30. Surprise

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30. Surprise

            It was finally Spring Break. Unfortunately, my nausea got worse once the break hit. The more I thought about it, the more it became obvious that the talk of the new member of the cousins had disturbed me. It was the first morning of Spring Break when I woke waddling straight for the bathroom puking my guts out. It was so early that Charlie hadn't even left for work. He pushed open the door staring at me sitting in the floor groaning as the food from yesterday came up into the toilet.

"Bells, are you alright?" Charlie asked in that gruff tone. I groaned shaking my head, "Not really," I replied pulling my head from the toilet, "I'll call Edward. Maybe he's awake. He can bring me to Carlisle." Charlie frowned wanting to say something but just nodded, "Sure. Maybe it would be better if you stayed there for this week. It would be a lot easier for Carlisle to check you if you're under his roof." I shrugged pushing myself to my feet, "I don't want to impose on them. I'll probably move in with them after graduation anyway. They have room for the baby. Alice and Esme have even started decorating the room." I didn't like the idea of leaving Charlie home alone. Those words from Mike so long ago still scared me. I felt things were still unresolved on the Mike front.

I managed to make it to my room with Charlie following me. I was dizzy and clutching my stomach tightly feeling my child kick. I found my phone at the precise moment it began ringing. Edward's name was flashing across the screen already and I groaned.


She had to have seen this already. I answered, "Edward, do you think you could come pick me up? I think Carlisle might need to take a look or at least talk to me. I'm not feeling too well..." "Yes, I'm on my way already. Alice forced me into the car said you would need me. She's explaining to Carlisle what's going on. I'll be there shortly. Alice said you'll be staying with us this week. I'll fix the bag for you. Love you," Edward said from the other end. I smiled to myself placing my hand on my stomach, "I love you too. See you soon."

I ended the call lying down with my hand covering my stomach. For some reason I felt much better just hearing his voice. I wondered if my child knew when I missed him and made me feel this way. I must have dozed off because I woke in the arms of my beloved who was carrying me down the stairs toward the front door. "I've got you. Just go back to sleep. I think I know just what you need," I heard Edward say. I snuggled into his chest as he carried me barely hearing the conversation with Charlie.

I felt the chilly morning air against my skin as Edward carried me to the passenger side of the car. He was gentle as he placed me in the seat pulling the seat belt over my body. I gave him a sleepy smile as he reached down pressing a kiss to my forehead. The ride to the Cullen house was silent but pleasant; I was so tired I couldn't make conversation with anyone at the moment. Edward had to carry me once again into the house where I heard Esme's voice.

"Carlisle wants to see her. It will only take a moment..." I heard Edward sigh but he continued up the stairs toward Carlisle's office. "I'm sorry, Bella. Alice must have gotten him worried. This will only take a few minutes," Edward whispered so I could hear.

He opened the door without knocking and I knew immediately that Alice was in the room. He laid me down on the hospital bed that Carlisle had put in. It made things easier so I didn't have to go to the hospital whenever things were going amiss. "How are you feeling, Bella?" Carlisle asked as he came over. I opened my eyes squinting at the bright light, "I'm sorry. I was throwing up really badly this morning. Charlie was worried. It's gotten worse lately, I don't understand." Carlisle pulled out the stethoscope placing it against my bare stomach as he shoved the material of my shirt up slightly. He gave a puzzled expression, "Do twins run in your or Mike's family?" he asked and my nerves spiked. I shook my head, "Not that I know of, Mike would have mentioned it. Charlie was a surprise for my grandparents, I never even met them. I'm pretty sure my parents were the only children to their parents." Carlisle nodded pulling back, "I'm not saying it's twins. There is always a chance that might be the situation we have here. With all the clothes you received it would work we have the supplies, but I just don't know if you could handle the pregnancy of twins, Bella. Something to think about. As for right now, I'm going to add some vitamins to your regimen, might help with the nausea."

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