27. Girl Time

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27. Girl Time

            Alice enters the room like a ballerina with such poise and grace I felt self-conscious. "Is this necessary right now, Alice?" Edward asked. "Edward, Bella needs a costume for the Halloween party." Edward turns to me after sighing, pressing a kiss to my forehead, the first actual kiss he's ever given me. "I can protect you from everything but my sister." He stood helping me carefully from the couch and I tried not to let them know how increasingly tired I was already becoming.

Edward turned to Alice with a strict expression on his face, "Be careful with my mate, Alice." My face flushes at the term since I didn't really understand what our relationship was. He just confirmed it by saying that to Alice. Alice grabbed my hand throwing it away at Edward, "No faith." Edward shrugged, "She's my life, she and that kid are my life, Alice. I don't have faith in even myself."

Edward stares at us for a moment before walking out of the room. I still had no idea what exactly was going on. Alice squealed clapping her hands together, "Don't worry, Bella," she said once she stopped squealing, "You don't have anything to wear to the Halloween party next week. If you are going to be part of this family, you have to attend the party. So we need to fix the no costume. You are coming with Rose and me to Seattle this afternoon to go shopping. That way we get some girl time."

A look of horror must have taken over my features which only caused Alice to smirk, "Oh, Bella it's going to be so much fun, just us girls." She intertwined her arm with mine and she dragged me out of Edward's room.

We went to Alice's room where she grabbed a coat for appearances obviously and then we past Carlisle's office. I saw the wooden fixture again and this time I knew what it was. My hand raised automatically, one finger extended as if to touch the wooden cross, it's dark patina contrasting with the lighter tone of the wall. I didn't touch it, though I was curious if the aged wood would feel as silky as it looked.

"It's Carlisle's." Alice said as she caught me staring, "I'm sure Edward wants you to get accustomed being here before he overloads you with too much. I also thought it would best to get you and Rose in the same place to get over all he awkwardness. She's going to be a big help during your pregnancy. As Edward explained earlier, Rose does envy you but she envies your ability to birth a child more specifically."

I turned to her the cross completely forgotten, "Birth? That's what she wants..."

Alice shrugged still smiling, "Rosalie might seem like she has everything, she almost does everything but the one thing she desires most, a child of her own flesh and blood."

We were at Rosalie and Emmett's room now and Alice gave me a smile. This conversation was over but I secretly hoped that maybe Rose would explain a little more. The door opened and Alice walked in while Emmett stood at the doorway. He grinned at me and all I saw was a young child in his face. Emmett was just an overgrown child it seemed. "Have fun girls." He said as he walked out heading in the direction of the stairs. Rose was sitting at a mirror more like beauty station brushing her cheeks. "Bella?" Alice called and turned around to see her plundering through Rose's closet.

"She can't get through her room." I heard Rose say, "too many boxes so she wants to go through my closet."

"Oh Rose, hush," Alice said, "I have to find something more comfortable for Bella. The temperature is a little colder since it was raining." I realized Alice was trying to find me clothes. Rose pushes away from her mirror walking over to Alice, "Don't you realize you'll need to mess with some of the clothes for them to fit her."

Alice frowned glancing at me and my midsection which I desperately wanted to cover. I felt everyone staring but I knew it would be even worse tomorrow at school. During everything that had taken place this weekend, I had forgotten about attending school on Monday. Just the idea sent dread throughout my system.

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