10. Theater

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10. Theater

            The hours passed by quickly. Before I knew it, I'm sitting in the living room watching the clock above the TV. Counting down the minutes and seconds before Edward and Alice's arrival has been all I have been able to do since Mike and they left. By small bag is stretched across my body as I sit upright in Charlie's favorite chair that he tends to watch games in.

I lean back in the seat the silence of the house almost deafening. I shake my head attempting to scatter my thoughts but as usual, it doesn't work.

My fingers flex out of habit as I hear a vehicle pull up to the curb. I hop up from the chair in a rush dashing toward the window pulling the curtains aside. I see a silver Volvo sitting against the curb as the driver's side door opens.

He's wearing a gray coat that almost transports me in time with a blue or possibly gray shirt underneath. He seems to have a favorite for the black jeans and his simple black sneakers. I pull back as it seems like he's about to glance toward the window. I shake my head pulling my hair over my shoulder.



I quickly press against my clothes attempting to flat out the wrinkles. I grab my bag from the couch before slowly approaching the front door. I breathe slowly through my nose reaching out and turning the knob pulling the door open.

Edward Cullen stands on the other side of the door smiling widely at me. I've never seen anything more beautiful. He just stood there smiling at me with his hands behind him his shadow casting over me.

"Hello, Bella. I hope that you're ready to go?"

I smile swallowing down my nerves as I nod, "I'm ready. Charlie said it was fine. Everything is alright. If Charlie forgets, the voicemail you left is still there."

Edward nods grinning. For some reason, he still looks slightly intimidating as he grins at me. His teeth are so shiny but I can't tell if he brushes his teeth. There aren't any traces of yellow on his teeth that I can see which is highly strange to me. Almost everyone I've ever met, even dentists, have slightly traces of yellow on their teeth.

He holds his hand out to the side, "Come on. Alice will kill us if we're any later."

I nod stepping out after making sure the door is locked. Edward walks beside me toward his Volvo against the curb. The passenger door bursts open to reveal a pale petite girl known as Alice Cullen. Her familiar golden eyes give off an excitement I haven't felt in months.

"Bella, it's so good that you decided to join us. I know not everyone loves shopping so you can go with Edward today if you want."

She takes me by surprise at allowing me the chance to hang out with Edward.

"Th-That's fine."

She grins holding the passenger door open.

"I'm going to slide in the backseat. Much more room."

Edward snickers to himself, which only causes my cheeks to darken slightly as Alice shuffles into the backseat.

"I'm sorry about her. She's a little excited about today."

I stare at him confused shrugging.

"I'm nothing special. Why is she excited?"

"She doesn't have many friends outside of the family. As you can tell from school, we don't socialize with anyone else besides just us."

I nod as Edward smiles, "Go ahead, Bella. It's going to be a decent drive to Port Angeles."

I quickly climb in the passenger side while Edward shuts the door. Alice is in the backseat smiling widely to herself almost like a lunatic. Then again, Alice Cullen and the word Lunatic don't really correspond too well.

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