Chapter 2- Auditions

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NIALL'S POV..........

We were starting the audition process in 10 minutes and Harry still haven't showed! I know he said he wouldn't but I don't know I just thought he was bluffing. I guess not since it's time for the first audition. I am so nervous and I don't even know why but I can tell the other mates are too. We might be meeting the new member of our band today and that's a pretty big thing. The first person walks in and oh my god! I don't mean to be rude but they can't sing to save their life!
"Ugh! I hope the rest of them aren't like that!" I say to Zayn while we wait for the next person.
"God I hope so! I don't feel like bursting an eardrum today."

37 Auditions Later
"Well, at least we only have one more left. That's a good thing!" Liam always try's to make everything positive and honestly it doesn't bother me all that much but right now it was really pissing me off. We had a HORRIBLE day! Nobody was right and everything was being questioned at this point! Who knows when we'll find the right person but for right now we have to try and get through one more person. Just one.
"Hello!" He opens with. A perky smile playing at his mouth.
"Hello there... ugh Louis, is it?" I ask while looking at his forms.
"Yes it is. Louis Tomlinson!"
"Okay Louis," Liam was so tired. I could tell from his voice that he was expecting the worst! "Just go ahead and start once you're ready." "Great! Thanks mate."
*After his audition*
"Oh my god! You are absolutely perfect! Don't bother calling anybody else in! You have the spot my friend!" We were all so excited and when Zayn announced this to Louis he got so excited he screamed! I could tell this guy had talent, we all could. I was excited to work with him!
"Alright man congratulations on this spot! We are so excited to work with you but there are a few standard questions we have to ask."
"First off," Zayn started, "it says here that you have met your souls mate. Is that right?"
"Yes it is very correct!"
"And could you tell us a little bit about that?"
"Okay, um well she is my girlfriend Eleanor. We have been dating for about 4 years now and when I first laid eyes oh her my whole world lit up with color! It was honestly the most amazing feeling I have ever experienced! I love her with all my heart!"
After his answer for that we asked a few more boring questions and then sent him off. Our first interview together as a new band was tomorrow and we all had to be well rested for it. I got home as fast as possible and then texted Harry to make sure he'd be there tomorrow.

"Hey man! Just making sure that you'd be there tomorrow. AND I have some great news! We found our new member! He is really sweet but has the edgy look to him which we think people will like and he's honestly a great guy! His name is Louis Tomlinson."

"I'm glad you found someone and yeah I'll be there tomorrow. I am gonna make it clear to this guy that there won't be any funny business going on!"

"Harry, leave him alone okay. He's a chill dude but also fun and funny. Trust me, you'll like him! Maybe he can hook you up with some aye?😉"

"No mate! I have had such trouble seeing the world in color and finding my soulmate that I've stopped trying. I'll find them when I do."

"And if you don't?"

"Then I'm meant to be alone. Anyways I gotta get off to bed. Super tired!"

"I get that. Night mate! See ya tomorrow!"

"Bye Niall"

HARRY'S POV........

After I got off the phone with Niall I went and tried to sleep, but it didn't work well. I ended up staring at the ceiling till 1 am and just thinking about meeting the new member. Louis Tomlinson, he sounds like a good guy but I don't know. I have a weird feeling about tomorrow and if I've learned anything in life it's that my guts always right! After thinking for like 3 hours, I finally fell asleep and dreamed of everything that could happen tomorrow, but never in my wildest dreams did I imagine what actually happened...

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