Chapter 7- Warning

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NIALL'S POV.......

So, now it had been 2 months with Louis in the band and at this point, I don't know how much longer I'll be able to stand the tension between Louis and Harry!! They have gotten so close and I know Harry feels very strongly for him and it seems like Louis feels the same way. He was very distant with him at first but now he is getting way more comfortable. They are always making jokes in interviews, they are ALWAYS staring at each other and sometimes sit gets kinda awkward for the rest of the mates too. They always look at me weird and I have to pretend I don't know wnat thing when in reality, I know Harry is in love with Louis.

He might not know it himself yet but he does. It's so obvious in the way he looks at him and the way they talk and how they affect each other. If Louis is sad Harry immediately becomes sad. They talk every single day and never run out of things to talk about. It's the most amazing this but there is a problem. Management is starting to realize somethings going on and so is the public! There have been times where Simon came in and told Louis and Harry to separate. He is starting to realize what's going on and if he does then nothing will ever be okay with them.

He has to power to split them apart and he would if he needed to. That's the scary thing, that if at any moment Simon finds out, he'll separate them for good. He will do anything to stop them from being together. I just know he would so I've been trying to intervene as much as possible when we're in public or interviews. I'll start acting that way towards the other lads and to them as well to try and make it less obvious. It doesn't always work though.

And Louis stopped really talking about Eleanor all that much, and when he does talk about her it's someone else who brings her up and he just goes along with it.

I was honestly starting to get scared for them. This could get them in a lot of trouble if Simon isn't very supportive and I know he won't be. I just hope they'll realize what he knows and start being more careful.

HARRY'S POV........

I never thought that one simple audition could change my life. Ever since Louis came into my life, it has just been amazing. He's absolutely hilarious, he's very fun to be around and he's really sweet once you know him well enough. He's also spontaneous and loud... very loud. But that's what makes him so endearing!

I didn't really know how to act around him and it was kinda awkward at first but now we are always together! Half the time during interviews I'm not even paying attention to the questions, I'm just staring at him. He's so perfect ya know! His laugh is perfect, his hair is perfect, his personality is perfect, literally everything is so perfect about him!! He makes me so happy and I just can't believe how much has changed over these past few months!

I found my soulmate guys...🥰

He's my guy! Louis makes me smile more than normal and I look forward to seeing him at work every day. He's the first person I hug when I walk in the room. We have our little moments on stage sometimes and I have to remember where we are and who we are around. I think on Niall knows about how I feel but I honestly don't know and I don't care. I like Louis so much it makes me want to explode sometimes but I know I can never tell him.

He had a girlfriend, I know that. Sometimes I just wish he didn't and things might be different. Now I have to pretend that all those songs are about my ex's and not him. I have to try and not smile when interviewers bring up the name Larry Stylinson. It's so damn hard but there's no other way. I can't screw it up with this boy. He was my everything! I had stronger feelings for him than I could comprehend... this was getting into a dangerous situation.

Hi guys! Thanks for reading this chapter and hopefully the others to come! Now that the story is getting more deep I really enjoy writing the story and I enjoy reading your comments so please keep commenting and letting me know what you think! Love you all❤️💚💙

Flying Colors (L.S.)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon