Chapter 10- Hints

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NIALL'S POV.......(a lot of the story is going to be in Niall's perspective cause it's easier for me to write from outside the relationship in this case. Hope you understand!)

Somethings going on... Louis and Harry have been ALL over each other today. And I mean ALL! Harry literally put his HAND on Louis THIGH during the interview! And they are being so like clingy with each other but also distant at the same time. I wanna find out what happened cause obviously something did.

I walked up to Harry, determined to find out what was going on. "Hey Harry. Come talk with me for a second." He gave me a strange look but followed me into the dressing room.

"Okay what's up Nialler?"
"What the hell is goin gin with you and Louis??! You guys are just like all over each other and the other guys are getting suspicious!"
"Oh, uhhh well we kinda went on a date last night and well, ya know. I always-"
"Kiss on the first date I know you do. Harry this could get dangerous. If Simon finds out you know what will happen to you guys. You have to be more careful. Promise me..."
"Okay Niall, I promise. But I have really strong feelings for Lou and I am not gonna hide them. You know I'm shit at hiding my emotions."
"Yah I know. Okay just be careful. I gotta go."
"Okay I will. See ya later!"
"Bye Harry."

—————-2 weeks later—————
HARRY'S POV........

We are doing an interview right now but oh god I can't focus on anything but him. I'm lost in a trance when he talks, focusing on how his lips move so perfectly. Imagining mine and his lips moving perfectly... my hands running through his hair. Me having to bend down when kissing him cause he was so small. Just from these images going through my head my pants started to get tighter as I was thinking.

"Harry!!" Someone tells my name and snaps me outta my thoughts.

"Huh? What?"

"I asked you what your favorite part of the tour has been?"

"Oh right, uh, sorry..."

—-after the interview—-

I practically ran to my dressing room after she said we had finished. I had hid my crotch area all interview because my wild imagination wouldn't calm down!

I texted Louis "get your arse in my dressing room right now.. don't let anyone follow."

I needed him, alone.

Not even a minute later Lou came into my dressing room and shut the door.

"Harry, what's this abou-"

"Shut up..." I say not wanting to waste time. I ran over to him and harshly pressed out lips together. He hesitated for a moment, probably due to surprise but it didn't take him long to sink into our kiss.

It got heated quickly. I grabbed his waist, wanting to be as close to him as possible. Our tongues moved perfectly together just like last time. I backed us against the wall closest to the door just so we could be closer.

His hands running through my hair sent butterflies to my stomach and dirty thoughts to my head. I needed more of him. I picked him up and was holding him by his thighs against the wall. He wrapped his legs around my waist and pulled me closer earning a low moan from the back of my throat. He had no idea the things I was going to do to him.

I grabbed the bottom of his shirt and lifted it over his head. Breaking the kiss for a moment but coming back to his lips in no time. I needed more of him, I need to feel him. I took my shirt off as well.

We stayed like that for a few minutes. Feeling the heat radiation off of our body's. It felt amazing to have this small boys legs wrapped around me. Both of our erections aching for more.

I started to unbuckle his jeans belt and I was almost there when the door opened, revealing a face neither of us wanted to see... Simon Cowell, our manager.

DUN DUN DUN!!!!! Cliffhangerrrrr!Hehehehehe😈🤡 Sorry it's been taking so long to update, I'll try to be faster. Hope you all liked the chapter!! Remember to comment and vote please! TPWK❤️💚💙

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