Chapter 3-Colors...

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HARRY'S POV..........

My alarm went off this morning and I just kept hitting snooze till Niall called me asking where I was. Man I hate waking up in the morning! I had to get down to the studio right away for some reason. We had our first big interview today and plus I meet our new member today.

My thoughts were interrupted when I got a Twitter notification from one of my Middle School friends, Andy.
Oh my goodness! I finally found her! The woman I'm gonna marry. I met her in High School and when I saw her my world flew colors and it was the most amazing thing! I'm so happy you said yes baby!! I can't wait to marry you❤️

Oh great! Another one found his soulmate! It's so annoying sometimes! Everyone I know has found there's and yet, I still can only see black and white. It's hard knowing you haven't met the one person yet and I just wish I could meet her, but I can't focus on that right now even though I know the boys'll be talking about it.

Oh well, I'm meeting the new member today, which was a plus but also negative.
His names Louis. I don't have a good feeling about this but I don't have a choice, then I'm walking in the door to the studio.

Everyone was running around, fixing makeup and hair, yelling orders, finding a battery cause the camera wasn't charged. It was a whole big mess and all the people didn't make it any more organized. I finally found the boys sitting over by our chairs. I saw Louis wasn't there yet, he was late. Not a good first impression!

"Hey mate! I'm glad you're here!" said Liam, a little too happy for my liking. I was in a good mood I was just not excited for today. Like I said earlier, I had a bad feeling about this.
"Yeah, whatever."
"What's wrong man?" Zayn is always trying to help fix things but I'm just not in the mood today. Seeing Andy's post really brought me down. Just another reminder that I'm single.
"Nothing." I reply with. "Just tired."
Zayn: "Okay then."
"Where's that Louis guy?" He's late and I'm not happy about it.
Liam: "We all got called down early. He'll be here any minute"
Niall: "Oh guys! Did you see Andy's post this morning?"
Zayn: "Yeah I did! Isn't it amazing!"
Liam: "It really is! They've known each other for so long and things finally happened! Once you see colors for the first time it's just so amazing! I can't even describe it!"
Me: "Yeah, so happy for him..."
Niall: "Harry, you still can't see colors can you?"
Me: "No."
Niall: "You'll see them soon. I promise!"
Me: "Yeah...... I don't think so mate."
Niall: "You'll see."
Me: "I think-"
Niall: "Uhh look who's coming!"
Liam: "Hey Louis!! You're right on time!"

My heart stopped. I felt so many feelings at the same time and it made me want to cry. It felt like my heart was beating a million miles per minute and all I could think about was how amazing he looked. He has so many tattoos all perfectly inked on his body, his hair was chestnut brown with a bang sweeper across his face and oh my god, he looked like a god! I couldn't stop thinking about how perfect he was and how amazing I felt! I was happy. Genuinely happy!
I can't believe it... I saw colors! For the first time EVER I see all the colors. It really is like how everyone tells it! Your whole life with them flashes before your eyes, and all you wanna do is make them happy. I saw colors when Louis Tomlinson walked in that door. I had the biggest grin on my face! I found him... FINALLY!!! I wanted to scream with joy.

All the boys were over there talking to him but I called Niall back over to me. "I think I found him Niall..."
Niall: "What?!"
Me: "It's him... my soulmate!"
Niall: "Wait.. Harry, you can see colors now? Because of Louis??"
Me: "Yes!! Isn't it amazing! It's him Niall, it's really hi-"
Niall: "But Harry, that's not possible!"
Me: "What are you talking about? I saw them because of him. I found my soulmate... right?"
Niall: "Harry... he already can see colors. He has his girlfriend and she made him see colors."
I felt the blood draining from my face... what?! How was this possible? Was it all just a mistake?

Hi readers! This whole story but specifically this chapter was influenced by a video from the user @styles28tomlinsonn on Instagram! Thanks for reading my story I really appreciate it! I worked super hard on this chapter and it's super important so I hope you like it! I'll try to put up a chapter ever fee days but I have school too so, sorry if a chapter is late. Please share this story with your friends if you like it! Treat people with kindness❤️ Love you all😘

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