Chapter 4- Louis's Audition and POV

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LOUIS'S POV..........!!!! Today I'm auditioning to be a pet of the band One Direction! They needed a new member and I have a pretty unique voice so I think I have a shot but there are gonna be so many people there. At least I get to meet the boys! I'm a little older than most do them but they are all so talented and I look up to them all, especially Harry! He's so funny, and he actually cares about his fans and takes time to get pictures with them and stuff like that. He's himself on camera and not fake like a lot of other celebrities and I really admire that. He's also an incredibly talented singer and entertainer! But honestly I'm excited to meet them all!

It's about 6:45am when I pull up to the studio where they are holding the auditions. I am so nervous getting out of the Taxi cause there we already at least 700 people there and it was only 6:45! The process for background checks and ID and security checks were WAY longer than they needed to be! I spent most of the time texting my girlfriend Eleanor. She's always super sweet and she keeps wishing me the best of luck! I know she wants me to get the spot cause it's so important but I know that she also doesn't cause that would mean I'm traveling a lot and it'd be hard on our relationship, but we would make it work! She's my soulmate! I know she is, cause she made me see colors! She's the light in my world and I'm so happy to have her, but I can't even focus on anything right now cause my audition is in 5 minutes!!

I'm singing Hey There Delilah by the Plain White T's. I'm so shaky but I just hope this goes well!

After the audition

Oh my god!! I actually did really good and they offered me the spot!! I was kinda disappointed cause Harry wasn't there but OMG!!! I'm a part of One Direction! This is so amazing and I'm so thrilled I can barely even comprehend what just happened!! All I could think was "I need to get home and tell Eleanor!"  

Hey guys! I know this chapter was pretty short, but people wanted another chapter out so here ya go! There is gonna be a Part 2 of Louis's POV leading up to "the moment" but I thought it was important to see his side of the story. Please continue to share with your friends! Hope you all like what's coming up. Love ya❤️!

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