Chapter Twelve

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Squished into a tiny black dressed, I hobbled on lacy heels toward the mansion that Josh lived in. Wow. Huge could not describe this monster before me-- layer upon layer of glass rose up before me with a grand staircase littered with teens, beer, and smoking. Just by eyeballing alone, there had to be at least four stories. I gaped. The rooms were lit with purple and blue lights and I even heard a splash from the indoor pool. Cally gave me the most excited smile-- oh yeah, she was in her element.

We walked along the pathway leading to the alternate enterance, and I passed a group of kids huddled around a campfire passing a joint. Whoa. This was serious. Cally waved hi at some of her stoner friends and led me into what I think was the kitchen... a kitchen the size of my house!

Upon the table sat rows upon rows of fancy wine and cheese, and, of course, a kegger full of beer. The place was an odd mixture of classy and teen stupidity, and I weaved through the people while getting leered at by married guys. On the way toward the living room, Cally grabbed us some beers from the huge fridge. My stomach growled. Oh boy, I hadn't eaten since my date with Josh. I noticed all of the amazing food in his fridge. Bagels, roasted salmon, Smart water-- he even had vegetarian bacon! My mouth watered, but instead I was handed a can of beer. I frowned.

"Oh come on Adira! Just one night won't kill you," said Cally with a smile. I shrugged. I mean, liquid would at least fill up my stomach somewhat. What harm could a few beers do?

Taking the beer, I entered into the living room and sat on the sidelines while Cally went to dance. A few guys approached me and asked if I was interested in cheating on Josh. I flat out told them no, getting courage from the beer. This led to me glaring at all the men in the room like Lilac glares at me when I don't feed her. A cool breeze came in from the patio. It was only fall, but I was in such a skimpy dress that I shivered. Heading to the kitchen, I snuck a little bit of cheese and downed two more beers.

As I walked back to the living room, the walls started to wobble a bit. Grabbing my head, I sat down on a couch next to a couple making out. I started to breath slowly out my nose-- everything was making me so dizzy! Soon enough, I felt a pair of warm, strong hands on my shoulders.

"Adira! You made it!" exclaimed Josh. I turned slowly to face him and his beautiful face spilt in two. He frowned, noticing me blink slowly and make a stupid smile.

Josh! It was joshy-Josh! Baby daddy, puppy giving, fluffy, funny Josh! Whoa, he's so pretty. Maybe if I act all cute he'll do the thing with his thing in my thing. Okay! I thought drunkenly.

"Hey baby daddy! You wanna go upstairs and do our ci-vical duty?" I slurred. I giggled at my own joke, feeling as light and bubbly as the alcohol. Josh didn't seem so amuzed.

"Adira, are you okay?" he asked, bending down to face me. He haunched on his knees as if talking to a small child and I poked his face happily. His face is soft! I wonder if his body is soft? I thought

"Of course, never been better! Let's go upstairs and take our clothes off," I purred seductively. Josh shook his head and sighed, as if exhausted already. Wait til we do the thing and then he'll be tired! And we can cuddle and maybe I can eat the food in his fridge- wait his face is pretty!

"Wow, you're drunk. How much did you have? You know, scratch that, I doubt you even remember. This is what happens when you go all out the first time you drink! Dammit Adira," he growled. I turned my head to the side, my fuzzy brain extra confused. Isn't this what he wanted? Someone like Crystal who partied and put out? Josh sighed and held out an arm. Yes! We were going to have sex upstairs! I took his arm and stood up too fast, causing me to fall down on the making out couple. They yelled at Josh and I and pushed me off. I fell to the floor with a thud and my skirt rose up to reveal more leg. Josh covered his face and sighed out through his nostrils.

"You are so aggravating. Get up, dammit," he said, pulling me to my feet. I stepped out of my heels and left them there as Josh led me upstairs. Yay, sex! Josh sighed and grabbed my heels as I made my way toward the staircase.

"Guess what?" I said to a group of guys near by. They asked what, giving me hungry looks "Josh and I are going to make a baby! Isn't that cool?" A drunk guy I didn't recognize stepped foreword, putting his arm around me. I squirmed but didn't pull away.

"Hey baby, wanna make a baby with me instead?" he asked. Before I could answer, Josh barrelled foreword and pushed the guy off of me, into a table of chips. The guy and the table fell over. Josh looked angry, whipping around to face me.

"What the hell were you doing?" he asked. For some reason, the look in his eyes made me feel like a little kid who was caught doing something bad. I felt horribly guilty and I didn't know why. Soon I burst into tears, which only made Josh more aggravated.

"You're way too drunk," he said. Josh reluctantly put an arm around me, leading me upstairs with a sigh.  I heard people whispering but I didn't care-- I was going to make a baby! Soon eonough, we were in Josh's room.

In the center of the room was a large, white, King sized bed that stood atop a tiny platform. The rest of the room had a nautical look with navy blue and white walls. Above Josh's bed was an anchor, and next to it the quote "I refuse to sink." Cutely enough, on his bedside table was a picture of his mother and father, with little fourteen year old Josh smiling beside him. I remembered meeting him that year. We both came from different middle schools and as soon as I saw him, I was impressed. Then he opened his mouth. The first thing Josh ever said to me was "Really? You're reading that for fun?!"

This, though, seemed ironic in the moment as I noticed what Josh's room was covered in-- shelf upon shelf of books. Even in my drunken state, I stumbled to the nearest shelf. On the shelf was a small, vintage globe and behind it the entire collection of the Percy Jackson series. YA fiction, huh?

Before I could open my mouth to say anything, Josh pulled me. away.

"You better feel damn lucky-- I never take girls here. I usually take them to my spare bedroom," he growled. I didn't know how to respond and the alcohol was beginning to make me feel sleepy. I shrugged.

"Wanna have--" before I could finish, Josh cut me off.

"No. That's kinda rapey, Adira. You probably won't even remember this," he said. I looked up at him, my eyes glistening with tears.

"You don't want me," I stated. Josh frowned and I burst into tears. He didn't want me-- I was too ugly. He didn't even take me to the usual room he takes girl because I must be so repulsive to him, he didn't want to be reminded of me when he had sex. Even though this whole thing felt heightened by the alcohol, I still felt it in my deepest heart to be true. Josh stood there stone faced for a few moments before softening and pulling me into a hug. He sighed into my hair.

"You need to go to sleep," he whispered genty. I stopped crying and nodded into his chest. Wow. His arms were warm. I pulled back, wiping my tears, and Josh smiled.

"I'm glad your drunk. There is no way a nerd like you could know I secretly like to read," he said with a boyish grin. I sniffed.

"Butt head," I said with a smile. Josh laughed, but I also noticed he was blushing.

"You're the butt head. Go to sleep, Adira," he commanded. I sighed and gave a little whimper.

"But I wanna--" I started.

"I know you wanna. Look, I'll make a compromise. We won't sleep together, as in sex, but I'll sleep with you. Okay? Lemme just clear up the party and I'll be back up," he said "You get ready." I nodded, feeling a lot like I was being told this by a parent. None the less, I listened. As Josh left the room, I walked into the bathroom, washing off my make up in the sink. I sighed and used Josh's hair brush, pulling my hair out of a bun and letting it fall in soft curls around my face. I tripped on my way out the bathroom, and stumbled toward Josh's dresser. Before I could open it, though, I felt nausea overtake me. I ran back to the bathroom and threw up in the bathtub. Yuck. That seemed a lot sexier in the movies. After that I rinsed my mouth with mouthwash, feeling eons better. My dress was too tight and scratchy though so I went back to Josh's dresser, grabbed a pair of boxers and a t-shirt, and drunkenly changed into his clothes without thinking. Finally, I fell into his bed, falling asleep almost instantly, calmed by his smell and the soft, soft bed.

A/N-- Whoot whoot! Top 200. Thanks everyone for the support, it really pushes me to write. Make sure to leave a comment! Check out the outfits here

Forced to have the Player's Kid (Book One of The Great Age Plague Series)Where stories live. Discover now