Chapter Thirty-Three

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I woke up the next morning to, once again, vomiting. Luckily, it was before my alarm went off for school, so I managed to have enough time left to get dressed and ready. After French braiding my hair, I went into my bedroom and changed into flowy black dress that cinched at my neck, which sufficiently hid my baby bump. I gathered up my things in my backpack, not forgetting to bring along my gold and white planner, in which I had written down the time and location of my first prenatal doctor's visit that I had in the evening.

Once I exited the bathroom, Josh entered, his hair all messy from bed and his eyes droopy. I don't even think he registered me walking past him, and I couldn't help but giggle into my palm. Morning Josh was my favorite Josh.

Since I had a little time left while waiting for Josh to finish his shower, I proceeded to make him a big breakfast, including some waffles and fruit salad. Josh had this horrible tendency to only eat food loaded with carbs and trans fat, so whenever I cooked for him I always managed to sneak in something with nutrients. Once I was done chopping up the last of the strawberries, Josh entered the kitchen wearing a button up shirt over a tee shirt and some jeans. His hair was tousled wet from the shower and he gave me a smirk that I knew meant trouble.

"You look beautiful," said Josh casually as he grabbed a plate. Trying not to roll my eyes, I went to the fridge and grabbed some lemon water before joining him at the kitchen table. As I sat down, I didn't feel the need to reply to the compliment, as I wasn't sure what to think. Yes, it was nice, but Josh wasn't making this whole "platonic friends" thing any easier by flirting. After a moment of silence, Josh sighed and took a sip of water.

"So," he said "As your friend, I need to know more about you. Tell me about yourself," said Josh. At this, I looked up in confusion. How was I suppose to respond to that? He just sat there smiling, looking interested at how I was going to respond, yet also appearing easy going. His eyelids dropped just slightly with morning tiredness and his shoulders were relaxed

"Uh, what is there to know? I'm not a very interesting person," I said, playing with my hair nervously. Josh shook his head with a white-toothed grin on his face, looking charmed. At this, I blushed and looked down at my half-eaten waffle.

"What's your favorite color?" he asked. I couldn't help but laugh at how ridiculous the question was. It was like something a kindergartner would ask to his new "fwend." I shook my head and chewed thoughtfully.

"I think turquoise. Or maybe like a light yellow," I said "You?"

"Red and white. The colors for the Blackhawk's team, that really good hockey team before the plague hit," Josh said. I nodded and poured some more maple syrup on my waffles. My stomach grumbled and I wondered how that same maple syrup might taste on cheese puffs. Feeling compelled to try it for my baby's sake, I stood up and walked over to the kitchen cabinet, pulling out the bag of cheese puffs I made Josh keep on hand.

"Next question. What is your biggest fear?" asked Josh. He eyed the cheese puffs ruefully with a smile playing on his lips. As I sat down next to him, I felt my heart flutter at that possessive look in his eyes. What was that all about?

"I guess... Well, it used to be my mother dying," I said sadly. I stopped and sat still for a moment, willing myself not to cry at this reveal. I breathed in and out of my nose slowly. She was in Heaven. I had to hold onto that to keep from feeling too lost.

"What is it now?" said Josh quickly. His voice was grave and dark, and I knew that he understood my sorrow. I looked up with a frown, unsure on how to answer his question, and proceeded to pour some cheese puffs on my plate. Covering the cheesy-wonders in maple syrup, I tasted my creation while thinking on the new question. Of course, the taste of the syrup-dripping puffs brought me to my senses, and the answer made complete sense.

Forced to have the Player's Kid (Book One of The Great Age Plague Series)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang