Chapter Nineteen

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Whoa. I did it. I actually did it. Really, I didn't understand what all the fuss was about.

Laying in Josh's bed, I looked over his sleeping form, feeling dreamy. Losing my virginity had gone a lot better than I thought it would. In fact, it was even better because I hadn't exactly expected to lose it and neither had Josh planned to take it last night. It just happened. The fact it was so spontaneous really took a lot of the pressure off and for a little while I was able to enjoy myself.

I ddin't even think about the other girls the whole time.

Now I hurt a little bit in places I didn't expect to hurt, and I really, really had to pee. With a small smile, I wrapped in the super soft white blanket laying on the end of Josh's bed and tip-toed out of his bedroom into the bathroom. After using the toliet, I took a small shower even though I had bathed quite thoroughly the night before and brushed my teeth. Finally, I changed into one of the outfits I had brought. I wore a plain grey tee, maroon jeggings, a grey beanie, fast food socks, and to top it off I threw on my favorite dinosaur necklace. Satisfied, I went downstairs to cook breakfast.

Josh wandered in sleepy eyed wearing a pair of boxers. I looked up from the scrambled eggs I was making and gave him a big grin. He smiled back causing me to blush even harder. I remembered that smile from last night.

"I know they're no red velvet pancakes but...." I said with a grin. Josh didn't say anything, instead he walked behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and snuggling into my neck. My heart quickened. Just like last night, he was being sweet and gentle with me, like I would shatter into a million pieces if he handled me too roughly. It was so unexpected of the usual, confident player he usually was.

I sighed, stirring the eggs. Only a little while ago I hated him-- hated the guy who threw my book into the river and rejected me as his wife. But now, I had seen a whole side of him others hadn't seen before. I saw that he secretly loved to read and cook, how he kept a picture of his parents next to his bed, how he had real friends despite the badass appearance, and how at the end of the day, he needed to snuggle after doing the deed just like I did. Musing, I put the eggs on a plate.

"Josh," I asked, sprinkeling a little cheese on the eggs "Why do you hide things from people?" Immediatly, Josh's head rose from my neck in concern and I saw some of the sleepiness dissappear from his eyes.

"What do you mean?" he asked. I glanced over and saw his perfect face morphed into that of confusion. Wow, he still looked hot. I reached over, sprinkling some pepper onto my eggs to avoid eye contact.

"I mean, why do you hide things like... like your books? You give up such a different vibe than who you are," I said thinking You hide the best parts and highlight the worst.

"Oh," Josh looked down. Wow-- was Mr. Player shy for once? I balked as a blush crept down his face and he avoided eye contact. He was acting just like me!

"I don't know... I mean, girls don't like that kind of stuff," he said. Looking up, he went straight for the eggs without touching or glancing my way, but I stood my ground so he had to reach around me. Once he got them, though, he went over to the big mahogany table in the dining room. Sighing, I grabbed my eggs and followed him there.

"Why were you with so many girls anyway?" I asked. Suddenly, my worries came springing back. Heck, we hadn't even talked about last night-- did that mean I dissappointed him? What was the hug about then? He sure didn't seem dissappointed. Worry began to flutter in my chest like a caged bird. Josh simply shrugged, making me more panicked.

"I don't know," he said dodgily. I sighed in aggravation and slammed my fork down.

"Well when you do know, keep me posted," I said, standing up. Suddenly my appetite was gone. Josh didn't want to talk about the other girls and that was not okay because last night I was one of those girls on his list. Despite seeming dedicated to me, that still didn't mean Josh enjoyed last night, and that really, really hurt.

Likewise, Josh jumped up, grabbing my wrist.

"Adira, yeesh! I hate when you do this! Why are you getting mad all of a sudden? I just don't want to talk about it, okay?" he said. I ripped my hand from his grasp.

"No, that's not okay!" I yelled. And with that, I stormed outside only to be met with a terrifying sight-- a hoard of abulances and men in hazard suits. Josh ran up behind me and froze.

"Oh shit, the neighborhood's infected."

A/N-- Sorry for the short update, I'm sick. Two questions: 1. Should I write a 5sos fanfiction? and 2. Would any of you like to read about my experience doing the film this summer?

To answer further about the film, I did not play the character Kennedy. I was originally cast as her but I was re-cast when the director found no one could do drama except for me (my big scene is the only dramatic scene in the entire comedy). I play the role of Rylee, a supporting character who is revealed as a surprise later in the film. As a result, I'm not in the trailers a lot (I'm the blonde dressed in punk clothing). He's thinking about putting the film on Netflix but not until after we enter a few fim festivals. For anyone who cares about my personal life, I will keep you all posted :).

Forced to have the Player's Kid (Book One of The Great Age Plague Series)Where stories live. Discover now