Chapter Thirteen

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I woke up to bright light in my eyes, the smell of eggs from downstairs, and a horrible, pouding headached. Sitting up, I felt the warmth from the sheets dissappear as I stepped out into the chilly floor. Looking around, I started to remember everything that had happened last night. Only one thing remained-- was I a virgin? With a sigh, I stood up, feeling a rush of pain. I groaned and grabbed my head. Soon I headed into the bathroom in the hall, rummaging the drawers for a hair tie, as Josh's bathroom was sure to have none. Finally, I found one (I'm assuming it used to be his mother's or one of the partygoer's) and used it to tie my hair into a messy bun atop my head. I stared in the mirror. I didn't feel different, even though I looked ridculous in Josh's clothing, so I assumed that I probably still had my virginity. I sighed with relief, but also felt a sting of sadness-- was I just not bangable?

Walking downstairs, I felt pain all over my body, especially in my head, and recollected on the events of last night. The drinking, the loneliness, the wanting of Josh (what was I thinking wanting to have sex with such a jerk) and then it hit me-- Josh's library. Turning on my heels, I darted upstairs with the most energy I could muster in my hungover state and peeked back into Josh's room. I chuckled. He was going to hear so much shit about that. Idlly, I started to finger though the books, recognizing a few titles I liked with everything ranging from teen fiction to great novels. I grabbed a few and carried them in my arms like children, heading downstairs.

Overall, I felt okay, considering last night's events. Josh protected me. It was a weird thing to think, but he really did protect me like a husband should, and my heart squeezed at the thought. I bit my lip, trying not to feel this way. I couldn't get attached to Josh when he would probably leave me as soon as we completed our "civic duties" and I was sixteen and pregnant. With a sigh that made the bangs fly off my face, and I shook my head while trying to focus on the present. First thing was first-- I needed something to eat. I smirked, wondering what horrid concoction Josh was cooking in the kitchen. I would probably get something microwavable, as well as get shit for being vegetarian.

I entered the kitchen and my mouth dropped. There, in the center of the kitchen, stood two amazing things-- red velet pancakes covered in frosting and Josh in boxers. I didn't know which one looked yummier. Josh turned as I entered and smirked, holding a little egg stand and a spoon.

"Morning sunshine. Nice undies," he chided. I blushed a red deeper than the velvet pancakes and looked down at the books in my hand.

"So many secrets," I teased back "Looks like you read and cook. Joshy is a big softie." At this, I looked up with a big grin and Josh couldn't help but laugh at me like I was a small child. He reached over and grabbed an egg for me. He held it out in one of those cute little old fashioned egg holders along with a spoon. Deviled eggs from the devil himself. I set the books down on the counter, took the egg, and sat next to the hot griddle and empty vodka bottles.

"Yeah, well tell anyone and I'll make your reputation even worse," he said, with a hint of his old self. I rolled my eyes, trying to ignore him, and started to eat my egg. Josh gathered some food and sat next to me.

"You had quite a night last night," he said. He was talking down to me again and I didn't appreciate it.

"Yeah, well I could've taken care of myself you know," I lied. Actually, my best friend was suppose to take care of me, but she was off doing god-knows-what. Omg, Cally! My eyes widened at the realization. Making a mental note, I started to eat more quickly, hoping to get a chance to call her. Unfortunately, I was stopped short by Josh grabbing my chin to look into my eyes.

"I don't think thats true," he whispered softly. I swallowed. With a haughty smirk, he released my chin and went back to eating. I bit angrily into my pancakes. Stupid Josh! It wasn't fair he had that kind of effect on me and my hormones when I had no defenses in my frumpy, stupid state. We ate in silence and I contemplated what had just happened. He was so nice sometimes, but that was always overridden by his cockiness and his manipulative nature. One minute he's throwing my books in the river (like I hypocrite, I might add) and the next he's making me pancakes. What was with him? Glaring up from my food, I stood brazenly and sighed. I just couldn't do this anymore when I still wasn't sure what was going on between us. Josh looked up at me with a cocked eyebrow.

"Problem?" he asked his mouth still full of food. I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there like an idiot with my face red and hands shaky. I sighed.

"I just wanna go home," I said. Josh frowned.

"But you haven't had a chance to shower yet or anything," he said. I looked away at the ground. Of course he would say that-- all that jerk wanted was to see me naked. Who was a kidding, Josh didn't have a romantic bone in his body-- the dinner, the puppy, this breakfast, it was all a manipulation to get me to sleep with him. But why? Why couldn't we just skip all this drama when I needed to sleep with him by law anyway? Why did he have to go playing my heart like he did all the other girls? I gave an angry foot stomp and left the room, going to the living room to look for my purse. Josh followed me tentatively.

"Hello, what the hells wrong with you?" he asked. I didn't reply so he gave a frustrated noise and grabbed my wrist, forcing me to look at him "Why are you doing all of this? You were fine just a minute ago." For some reason, my eyes began to fill with tears. It was then I knew-- I had fallen for Josh and he probably didn't even like me. He was probably just being nice to me because he was forced to be married to me. Ripping my hand away, I didn't know what to say, so instead I pushed his chest with all of my force. Unfortunately, since I was much smaller then him, I ended up pushing myself back from the action and landed straight on the floor with a thud. It was then that the tears began to flow, and I stood up as Josh laughed at me meanly.

"Do you really think you can-- wait are you crying?!" asked Josh. He took a step toward me but I sprinted away, dodging away from him as I looked for my things.

"Why do you care?" I screamed, not knowing where to go. Josh came toward me again but I avoided him, storming upstairs to go lock myself in the bathroom. Once we reached the landing, though, Josh grabbed me by the arms. I yelled out and started to struggle.

"Adira, calm down! What is going on? Why are you crying?" Josh asked, concern lacing his voice. Fake concern, I assumed, since he never could truly care about anyone but himself. I kicked his shins, but he still held me firm.

"Let go of me!" I yelled, twisting around. Now our chests were pressed together intimatly, and my stupid heart began to speed up at the contact. What the hell was wrong with me? I didn't want to like him, I didn't want this at all, he was the worst for me no matter what any stupid test or law says. Josh looked down at me, looking almost.... fearful? Worried? What was going on?

"Adira, I wanna know what's wrong," he whispered. My heart pounded harder and I was sure he could feel it. I looked down, my breath catching my throat, and decided to just jump. I closed my eyes. Here I went.

"Josh, I l--"

My words were cut off with a kiss.

A/N-- Wow, I was in the top 100 this week. 79 baby! Thanks so much everyone. Check out the polyvore collection for this chapter:

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