Chapter Fourteen

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A kiss seems so simply. It should be a meeting of lips with maybe a gentle caress or two; instead, it was a spark of electricity betwee bodies, a rush of joy to the heart, and a soft sigh on your cheek all at once.

Josh held me close, kissing me softly, and I sighed into his mouth. My first kiss. It had finally happened. My mind went blank, focusing on his wonderful smell and the feeling of such a needy, loving kiss that took my breath away and made me feel filled with molten lava.

When Josh broke the kiss, I stared at him with an open mouth as my mind raced.

Did he mean it? How was someone who was such a player such a sweet kisser? Did I actually finish that sentence-- did I admit I loved him? Wait. I loved him? How had I let this happen? My head started to spin as Josh stood there looking like a nervous little kid or a person at the doctor's office waiting for news. He looked so vurnerable. From his beautiful blue eyes to his ripped half-naked body, I felt myself warm up with a blush. That guy had just kissed me-- that Greek Adonis had just planted his lips on mine willingly. Little old frumpy book/cat loving me. My insides leapt about with joy. But what did this mean? Was he equally as amazed by me as I was by him? Why did I even like him so much? I thought back to all of those times he had done sweet things, from holding the door open to buying me wonderful gifts. When I talked his eyes glued onto mine so intensely, and he seemed so interested in the stupid things I had to say. When we were together, he hovered over me like a protector. I hadn't felt so safe with anyone since my father died. Would he make our child feel that safe? Then I remembered the possibilty that he might not stay, the issue that had been nagging me all the past two days. I pushed the issue aside.

I loved him, there was no denying it.

"Josh, I.... I..." I couldn't say it. I shut my mouth as Josh stood there with wide eyes. Why was I having so much trouble saying this?

It was then that the nagging feeling returned. I could never love a guy who might just get me pregnant and leave. I couldn't let myself fall for him when, in reailty, he would probably forget about me after this weekend. How could I have been so stupid? Without saying anything, I turned away.

"Adira...." Josh said, letting my name hang in the air as if he too was not sure what to say. I took a deep breath. Just because I couldn't love him didn't mean I couldn't enjoy him-- or his kisses. Besides, logically it made sense. If I enjoyed his kisses, I might enjoy the--ahem-- baby making as well. This was good. I just couldn't let it carry all this weight.

"Josh, I need to go home," I said. At this I saw Josh physically wilt like a plant that hadn't had enough sun. Oh wow. He looked sad. What did the kissing mean to him exactly? I scoffed, knowing he probably was just dissappointed because he thought he could get me to have sex. Nonetheless, I wasn't done with him.

"I need to grab some clothes," I said "But I'm not doing anything today, if you wanna watch movies or something." Josh perked up. He took the bone just like any good dog and rushed to my side, grabbing my hand.

"You would not believe my movie collection. Plus I promise, I make  a mean hangover smoothie," he said excitedly. I couldn't help but laugh. He was so excited! Quickly, I dared to give Josh a hug, which he returned gladly. His big arms wrapped around me and I breathed in his scent. Wow. He was so attractive.

"I'm glad kissing solves fights," I joked. Josh released me, laughing as well, and then he began to saunter off.

"I know, my sexiness solves everything," he said with a wink. I chuckled, following him out the door.


After changing, Josh drove me back to his house in his amazing Mini Cooper. I wore a cozy light pink sweater with the definition of the word "Netflixing" on it and some ripped skinny jeans. I casually through my dirty hair in a grey beanie and slipped on a pair of Sperry's, not really too worried about looking all pretty and made up like Josh's other girls always were. As we walked into the house, Josh gave me a pleased look as I shed my coat.

"Nice shirt," he said. I opened my mouth to defend myself when he held up a hand "I mean it. I hate it when girls put on a ton of make up just to watch movies. Plus the Netflix sweater is appropriate." I shut my mouth, my face turning as light pink as my sweater. Without noticing the effect he had on me, Josh turned and left the room, going to make us some popcorn. I sat down on the huge couch in the movie theater (he had a movie theater in his house, wow) and started to flip through my phone on weheartit. I was hearting pictures of beaches, thinking about the subject of my next painting, as I smelled popcorn coming in from the kitchen. Soon enough Josh rejoined me, holding two pop corn buckets in hand. He handed me the popcorn and a Code Red Mountain Dew.

"How did you know this is my favorite?" I said with a smile. I opened the cap and was greated by the fizzy sound, my mouth watering. I did drink soda very often, so it was an awesome treat to have. Josh shrugged.

"I didn't, it's my favorite to," he said, plopping beside me. I sipped from the top of my can, catching the bubbles before I could get to it.

"Hey! I wanted the bubbles," I joked. Josh grinned a wide grin.

"Get them," he said, sticking out his tongue. Boldly, I leaned foreword, gently kissing his lips. He kissed back, setting the pop on the counter so he could grab my face with both hands. His fingers tangled in my hair. He gently bit my lip as the kiss became more heated, and soon my blood was pounding under my skin in a way it never had before. Wow. I felt my face heat up as I wrapped my arms around his neck, exploring the nape of his neck, feeling even more light headed then when I was drunk. Soon he pushed me down slowly and his body pressed into mine. What was going on? I had never done anything like this before but I loved it! Josh's mouth returned to mind, pushing aside any thoughts I had about being a floozy. I felt his hand slide under my shirt, his fingers warm against my skin, and suddenly I came to my senses.

"Wait, stop!"

A/N-- Felt like updating two days in a row! I'm really having fun writing this story. Don't forget to comment and vote, I love you guys.  Also, please check out my polyvore set for this outfits, I'll put a link here but there should be an active link in my status update.

Forced to have the Player's Kid (Book One of The Great Age Plague Series)Where stories live. Discover now