Just another normal day

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After Maxx ate his slightly cold breakfast, we did our own things for the rest of the day. I spent my day in my room playing some Madden to cure my boredom.

Soon I realised it was nearly 6:30 pm and I haven't even had lunch. My stomach wasn't growling or anything, but I should really go cook some dinner. 

Walking down the stairs, I looked in the living room. Maxx was peacefully watching a tv programme while Dan and Zach was in the kitchen having a few beers. 

I didn't want to disturb their drinking session, so quickly I grabbed a ready meal and placed it in the microwave. Setting the timer to 2 minutes like it told me to do on the packaging. 

After the microwave finshed, it began to scream it's beeping at me. I took out the meal and sat down on the sofa by Maxx. Softly I smiled and said "What's this your watching then?"

Maxx quickly looked at me and then back at the tv and explained "It's a series about national history. This episode is about the Suez Canal Crisis." 

I nodded and smiled while eating my dinner. Maxx was such a history nerd, but I don't mind. It's cute to find something your passionate about. I love hearing him rambling on about history and what parts he loves about it.

After I finshed my ready meal, I got up and cleaned the plate. Then putting it away in a cupboard. I then rejoined Maxx and his episode watching. 

Snuggling into the blanket on the sofa, I yawned. I didn't get much sleep yesterday. Not sure why, it was just one of those nights. Starting to watch the tv I soon drifted off into a deep sleep.

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