Finally Off The Road!

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I slowly got up and just laid staring at the top of the bunk. I tried to listen to see if anyone was awake but it only looked like our manager was as he is driving.

Looking for my phone which was somewhere in my bunk, I noticed a small post-it note on the side of my bunk. I grabbed it and looked at it. It said "I don't think you will need this 📱 love from Z and D" I thrown the note and got out of my bunk.

Looks like we are going to start a prank war.

I looked for Zach and Dan's bag and rummaged in them looking for my phone. I didn't find my phone but I did manage to make a mess. So I quickly tidied it up and searched for my phone.

About a hour later Maxx got up and walked towards me "Hey have you seen my phone?"

I shook my head "I'm trying to look for mine too".

Rummaging through my bunk to find my post-it note, I gave it to Maxx and, he reads it. Maxx then gives me back the note which I threw on the side.

"Right we better look" Maxx said.

About 30 minutes later Maxx screams "Found it!"

I walked towards him. Maxx was in the bathroom looking at the roof.

I glanced up and saw both phones taped on the roof of the van. Maxx stands on the toliet and grabs both of the phones.

He hands me my phone and I turn it on. Seeing a bright screen, I saw my wallpaper changed it was a photo of me and Maxx kissing. I noticed that maxx had the same photo.

Maxx laughs "Right we need to give them pay back"

I laughed too "Yes we do".

After about a couple of hours Dan and Zach was awake. I was sat at the table munching on some cereals while the rest of the guys was on the PS4.

I looked out of the window and noticed it was raining pretty bad out there.

Our van pulled up to a stop. We were at a car park.

I'm guessing we were at are first Venue. Waiting for the van to park up, I got up and stretched and walked towards the guys.

I don't think they even noticed we stop as they were still yelling at the game as they were failing so bad.

I laughed and said "You know we have stop right? We are here"

They looked at me "We are?" They said at the same time.

We all laughed and I walked outside.

After a couple of seconds they walked out and we all screamed like little kids on Christmas day.

The start of tour is here!

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