I Love You... (Part 2)

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As soon as Maxx gave the description of me I instantly blushed and looked at him. Maxx looks back at me and smiles while I mumble, "Maybe.." 

Maxx then turned towards the window and looked over at the beach.

I was dreamily watching him until the passengers side of the car opened, Maxx still smiled at me but calmly said, "I'll see you later than... Could you pick me up at 4? Meet you here?" I nodded and watch Maxx walk off with his camera towards the sea.

Sighing, I grabbed hold of the steering wheel and drove home.

Opening the front door and walking in, I saw Dan and Zach sitting on the sofa watching some tv.

Dan looked at me and smiled. " Are you okay, Cody?"

I nodded and as I said, "Y-yes," my voice began to break as I was hiding my tears.

Quickly, I ran upstairs before Dan noticed the break in my voice. But deep down I feel like Dan actually did notice it.

I opened my wardrobe door and grabbed a pair of grey joggers and a royal blue hoodie. Soon after changing I crashed onto my bed and scrolled through Twitter.

I was fine until Maxx posted a photo of him on the beach. Tears ran down my cheeks as I sang "Diamond Girl".

After I finished singing I heard footsteps walking up the stairs and coming closer to my room. A strong knock was heard on my door, I jumped up and sat up on my bed. Slowly, I mumbled, "C-come in. " 

Dan slowly opened the door and walked into my room, shutting the door and saying "Cody? What's wrong? You look like you've been crying, and the fact that you've been singing Diamond Girl it's just a bit worrying.."

Picking up my pillow and cuddling it. Whilst draining all the tears out of me, I explained to Dan. "I-I love Maxx.. and today while I was dropping him off to the beach he asked me what was wrong, and I said I loved him. But he just fell silent.. He didn't say anything... He just asked me to pick him up at 4 and that's it. He left and now my heart is broken! Who am I kidding? He will never love me.."

Dan slowly walked closer and sat down on my bed, "Maybe he just wasn't sure how to react. Maybe he likes you, but isn't ready for a relationship yet? Just give him time code. Soon he will give you an answer and if he doesn't then I'll make him." 

Tears quickly flooded my face while Dan got me tissues.

I started to dry my face when I realised it was 3:30. "Oh gosh! I need to go pick up Maxx!"

Dan shushed me. "Don't worry, I'll get Zach to pick him up. We don't want Maxx seeing you like this, do we?" 

I gave Dan a hug while he hugged me back. I mumbled, "Thanks, Dan." He smiled and said, "No problem, Codes."

I cuddled up to a blanket on my bed whilst Dan went downstairs and asked Zach to pick up Maxx. As soon as I heard the front door open, I watched Zach walk past the pavement and towards the car. My eyes started feeling heavy, and I soon drifted off to sleep.

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