Sio Love But Zach's Point Of View

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*Zachs point of view*

I was peacefully asleep on the sofa until I heard someone shout, "Zach!", into my ears. Quickly, I jumped up and looked at Dan. "Dan! What the hell was that for?!"

Gently he smiled at me and softly said, "Maxx needs picking up... Could you pick him up please?"

Grabbing my phone from my pocket, I looked at the time. 3:40pm. I gained my focus back on to Dan and said, "Where is Cody? Why can't him or you do it?"

Dan looked towards the stairs and slowly said, "While Cody was driving Maxx to the beach he confessed his love towards Maxx, but Maxx fell slient. Now Cody feels a bit down and just doesn't want Maxx to see him like this.."

I stood up and grabbed the car keys, then waved at Dan. "I'll see you later, then. Give Cody my love," I said as I walked out towards the car.

Going into the black sports car, I sat down on the drivers chair and adjusted the chair to fix my comfort, putting the keys into the keyhole and unwinding the windows down. I changed the radio to something more upbeat as it was set on some sort of classical music.

Driving down to the beach, the car in front of me slammed down on their breaks which caused me to slam on my breaks.

From what I saw, there was crash in front of us.

The traffic was horrendous and I only had 10 minutes to pick up Maxx, so when I drove to the nearest turn off point I turned over and took a shortcut.

Finally, I got to the beach and parked the car, turning the key to stop the engine. I stuffed the car keys in my pocket and got up from the car. I shut the door and started to wander around to look for Maxx.

" Zach! Stay there!" I heard someone shouting from across the beach, I instantly knew it was Maxx, trying to get the most perfect angle of me for a photo.

I stayed in my position until I heard the click from his camera.

"Are you done now, Maxx?" I asked, I heard laughter and Maxx said, "Yes, you're free to move!"

I laughed and moved towards Maxx to have a look at the photo. "Looking good," I said with a smile on my face, looking towards Maxx.

After Maxx packs his camera away in his black camera bag which was pretty much a black fancy backpack, we headed off to the car and sat in it.

I was driving home until Maxx asked me, "Hey, Zach... Where's Cody? It's just that I asked him to pick me up and it's a bit weird not seeing him.."

Turning down the music, I soon replied, "He just isn't feeling that well and now Dan is being his nurse, he told me to pick you up."

Maxx was staring out the window, "I hope he's feeling better" he mumbled as he rested his head on his arm.

I softly smiled. "He will be fine, Maxx. He just needs a bit of time to get better."

Maxx slowly nodded and turned the radio up.

As I listened to the music, I parked the car and got out, making sure I locked the car before entering the house.

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