I Love You...

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My body was still curled up on the sofa, I couldn't really be bothered to move. Shifting to a more comfortable position on the sofa, my mind kept spinning back to Maxx.

Zach told me that when we went out to the party I was claiming Maxx as mine and wouldn't let him go.

Even though I did that, Maxx still talks to me and has forgiven me, almost as if he forgot about it as I did have a lot to drink that night.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, so I threw my blanket over myself since I didn't feel like talking to anyone right now.

Hidden away under my soft blue blanket, I heard the footsteps walking towards my direction.

A pair of hands tugged at the bottom of my blanket to remove it away from my head. Looking up and gazing upon this person, I soon realised it was Maxx.

Turning my head, I tried to wrap the blanket back around me, but Maxx soon stopped me.

He sat gently onto the edge of the sofa and smiled at me "Are you ever going to leave that sofa? You've been sleeping on it for ages."

I looked at him and shook my head.

"Well could you at least get up and take me to the beach? Pleaseee?" He said in a sweet tone and looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

Looking at his green-blue eyes, I smiled. "Why can't you drive your self there?" I asked him. 

"I just don't feel confident driving on the road yet, seen as that incident was only yesterday," Maxx said slowly, smiling weakly.

Yesterday was a mess on the road, cars and lorries beeping, and the front of the road had a lorry that went straight into the back of a car. We didn't know why it happened, but Maxx got effected.

Refocusing back on Maxx's face, I smiled and nodded. "Of course I will take you."

Maxx jumped up with joy and hugged me "Thank you!" He said excitedly as I laughed.

I walked up to my room to put on some fresh clothes, as I slept in the ones I'm currently wearing.

Rummaging through my wardrobe, I found a grey tank top, a hoodie and black jeans. I quickly put on the clothes and sorted my hair out.

Walking towards the car, I realised  that Maxx had already grabbed the keys and was waiting inside the car. I climbed into the driver's seat and took the keys from Maxx.

As I was driving along the road, Maxx looked at me and said, "Cody.." I looked at him for a spilt second, then gaining focus back into the road. "Yes?"

Maxx sighed and looked out the window. "I wanted to ask why you've been sleeping on the sofa for the past few days and hiding away from almost all of us." 

Words spat out of my mouth as I kept my focus on the road. "It's difficult to explain Maxx.. I just.. it's hard to explain. I'm just not feeling myself."

I parked the car in the car park nearby the beach. Maxx looked at me and softly and said, "You know you can tell me anything, right?"

Instantly, I pulled his bandana down to cover his eyes and laughed awkwardly. "T-There isn't anything wrong." 

Maxx pulled up his bandana and sorted it out to its normal perfection. He gazed upon my eyes and smiled. "You can trust me, Cody."

I let out some deep breaths and looked out the window, I didn't really want to face him, I was too embarrassed.

After the last breath I took I slowly explained, "Well... Someone likes you." 

Maxx looked over at me and quickly said, "Who?"

I blushed softly, Maxx kept on talking. "Cody, who is it?"

Slowly I sighed and said "Well it's someone in the band.. Do you want to try to guess?"

Maxx smiled, still looking at me. He drummed his fingers on the dashboard. "Hm.. Does he have blue hair? And is he sat right by me?"

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