Chapter 13:

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I woke up very early today, and the sun was barely up. I ate some breakfast, and went to the beach, running. Feeling refreshed, I called Ashleigh. Bad idea. Ring ring. Ring ring.

"Scotty why aren't we beamed up yet? Oh, sorry! Hi jabby." I heard Ashleigh talk sleepily into the phone, with Amy whining in the background.

"Uh... Bad time to talk?" I asked, getting the idea that they were going to be as useless to talk to as a pack of potatoes

"Ash, hang up and go to sleep!" Amy mumbled in the background.

"Yeah probably. Alice says it's time for tea but my Chewy says it's six in the morning! Gosh, don't you ever sleep? You're worse than New York." She slurred. Did I mention that Ashleigh talks about the most random shit when she's tired?

"Okay. I'll call you back in one hour. Have fun skydiving or whatever."

"Yeah yeah spare me the magic lecture, MERLIN! Go get me that bloody dragon!!" She yelled and hung up. I chuckled and smiled.

Being bored for an hour, I decided to go look around the camp and see if I can spot Zack. No such luck. I wandered around the camp, eventually getting so bored that I went skipping rocks.

I got a flat rock, ducked down, pulled back my arm, hooked my index finger around the sharp edge, yanked my arm forward and released with all the strength I could muster.

One, two, three, four, five, six times it bounced before sinking. I was in position to throw another when I heard my phone ring. I picked up.

"Hey Ashleigh." I answered, and she replied with her usual hyper self.

"Did you find Zack?"

"No, not yet, but... Hey! I'm doing fine, thanks for asking." I replied sarcastically. I started walking back to the cabin.

"Okay... Not to jump to conclusions here, but why did he save you?"

"Firstly, that's a question. Not a conclusion. If you're gonna interrogate me, do it properly. Secondly, probably because he doesn't want me dead?"

"Good point!"

I flopped down onto my bed, chatting all the way.

"Okay hold on. Let me get this straight... You KISSED him on the cheek, and HE LET YOU?! Okay, that guy needs to sort out his priorities." This time, it was Amy speaking.

"Whoa whoa whoa... Amy... What are you doing?" I said, hearing muffled sounds.

"I'm gonna call that bastard and tell him to make up his mind." She said shortly and I felt my voice hitch in my throat.

"How do you even have his num... Amy... Amy NO- don't you dare hang up on me!" I yelled but the line went dead. I cursed under my breath. Suddenly I heard someone else's phone ring, and I felt myself go numb.

Please don't be Zack please don't be Zack please don't be Zack please don't be Zack please don't be Zack. I kept chanting over and over again in my head.

As quick as it had begun, the music stopped, and I heard a familiar voice. "Hello?" As per fricking usual, it was ZACK.

I don't know what got into me but I ran to the balcony, and I yelled his name. "Zack? Zack!" And he came out immediately, putting Amy on hold.

'So that's how he knows where I stay! He's been here the whole time.'

"Zack! Is that Amy calling?" I asked and he looked confused.

falling for the boy with sapphire blue eyesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon