Chapter 7:

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Ever since Zack broke my heart, I have been ignoring him completely.

Everytime I saw him look my way, I either glared or rolled my eyes.

I was happy to be with my two friends Ashleigh and Amy.

Ashleigh's party was tonight, and I picked out a teal tank top and my favourite jeans, with some levi sneakers.

Mom dropped me off at Ashleigh's house, and my jaw dropped at the sight.

There was a HUGE disco ball dangling from the roof, a pinãta, and I could hear a beat drop and the dance floor glowed from sweaty barefeet.

I went to Ashleigh and handed her my present. (it was a necklace with a sun symbol)

"Oh thank you Jeanette! Go enjoy yourself and cut loose. By the way if you see a bunch of guys with a bag of drinks, please let me know so I can kick them out. They snuck alchohol in and now half of the people here are drunk." She said and I nodded in response.

I walked away from the dance floor because I really didn't like the smell of sweat and alchohol combined.

Wait... Alchohol?!

I went outside, and a couple slammed against the wall right next to me, making out. Ugh!

I went to the backside of the house, and saw a boy handing out drinks. I turned around to go tell Ashleigh, but I was slammed against the wall by two strong arms.

He held both my arms above me, pinning me to the wall.

I looked at his face, and recognised him as one of the guys who surrounded me.

"Hey gorgeoush." He slurred, his breath reeking of beer.

"Let me go!" I yelled and struggled, but his grasp only got tighter.

"Ooh! Feishty one aren't you babe?" He laughed drunkily.

"Somebody help me! Get off of me you creep!" I screamed but he covered my mouth.

He was starting to unzip his pants, and I closed my eyes and kept fighting.

Suddenly I heard someone go "hey!" And a sound of bone hitting flesh, and I couldn't feel his weight on me anymore.

I opened my eyes to see the drunk teenager on the floor with a black eye, knocked out, and Zack standing in front of me, shaking his sore knuckles.

"What are you doing here?" I said, eyeing him like a hawk.

"I was invited." He replied carefully.

"Thank you for saving me, but I don't need your help."

"You were just about to get raped!"

"Why do you care? Why are you trying to save me all of a sudden?"

"Because... Because..." He stumbled, and I nodded my head.

"That's what I thought. Now if you will excuse me, I have to report some underaged alchohol drinkers." I walked away, leaving Zack standing on his own.

I found Ashleigh on the dance floor, and I pulled her outside by the arm.

"Ashleigh, when were you going to tell me you invited Zack??"

"Well... You see, I actually gave him the invitation before the... Thing. I couldn't take back the envelope, because one does not simply 'uninvite' someone." She explained, giggling nervously.

"Okay. Um... I found the guy with the alchohol, so... Mission accomplished, I guess." I said.

"Great! Can you show me where they are?"

"Yeah. Hold on! We need protection." I said, stopping her.

"Honey, did I tell you that I've been taking self defence classes since I was four? I could beat those drunk asses to a pulp." She beamed.

I showed her where they were, and she cracked her knuckles.

"Excuse me, what do you think you're doing?" She asked the surprisingly sober guy with the bag.

"I'm just doing business. Want some?" He offered her a bottle.

Ashleigh turned red. She slapped him right across the face, leaving a red mark.

"You better leave. Right. Now. Go and sell your cheap beer somewhere else." She threatened.

"Oh yeah? Who's gonna make me?" He teased, sending my temper through the roof.

"THAT'S IT!" I yelled and yanked the bottle from his hand. I smashed it against the wall, breaking off half of the glass.

I held the sharp ends towards him, causing him to step back.

"I nearly got raped by one of your drunk-ass buyers because of you. Get lost before I call the police." I threatened.

He ran away, leaving the bag of alchohol behind.

"I know what to do with this." Ashleigh said, opening one of the bottles. She dumped it all out on the spot. I nodded in agreement.

Pretty soon all the bottles were empty.

I decided that I have had enough of the party, so I said goodbye to Ashleigh and called my mom. I didn't mention to her that I was nearly raped tonight, since nothing happened. But I was going to call the police on that sick boy.

I was waiting at the gate for my mom, when I heard running footsteps. I turned around, expecting to see another drunk guy, but it was worse.

"I'm not talking to you, Zack." I said coldly, turning back. Just then I spotted my mom's car approaching from around the corner.

"Jeanette, come on! Can you just listen?" He pleaded, and I snapped.

"To what? Your lies? You know, I never ever judge a book by its cover. At first, I thought that you were a sweet, kindhearted guy. But now I've seen the liar. The backstabber." I said, blinking back the tears.

"Jeanette, I..." He tried talking, but I stopped him.

"Don't even try. It's too soon for that. In the meantime, stay away from me." I said while backing up. I turned around, running towards the car.

I hopped in, and looked back at Zack. His head was hanging low, with a sad look on his face. Then a thought went into my mind. What if he did regret it?

"Sweetie, are you alright?" My mom asked me, stroking my hair with her caring fingers.

I quickly wiped the tears from my face and smiled at her.

"I'm fine, mom." I replied softly.

The rest of the trip was silent.

When I went home, I ate dinner, brushed my teeth and went straight to bed.

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