Chapter 2

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I had absolutely no idea what to expect from high school. Well, I am the most popular guy in the grade, so that makes things kind of easy, right?

Anyways, when I walked down the hall, a girl caught my eye. She was a new face.

This girl had natural beauty. She didn't have to wear anything special to enhance her features.

When I saw her slip and regain her balance like a drunk ninja, I couldn't help but chuckle.

But then she tripped, and everything felt as if it was going in slow motion, and I felt something in me stir.

I couldn't let her just fall flat on her face, so I stopped the fall by holding her by her sides.

She let out a tiny scared squeak and flailed her arms around, not completely aware that she wasn't falling anymore.

Luckily I was strong enough to lift her up so she could stand up again.

When she finally opened up her eyes, I saw her forest tinted brown irises staring at me in shock.

"You alright?" The words slipped out of my mouth before I had a chance to properly compose myself.

"Yeah. Thanks for saving me!" She said with a cute smile.

"No problem. My name's Zack." I said holding out my hand.

"Jeanette." She replied simply and shook my hand.

I let the name roll over my tongue and I felt comfortable with it.

I felt a familiar presence behind me, but it was too late to figure out who.

She jumped on me like a mad puppy, japping my name and digging her nails a bit too sharply into my chest.

Honestly, she was the clingiest of girlfriends. She was worse than chewed bubblegum in your hair.

"Who's the loser?" She asked, and I knew what she was doing.

She thought that Jeanette was trying to steal me, so she was marking her territory.

I tried introducing them.

"Sarah, this is Jeanette. Jeanette, this is my girlfriend, Sarah." I said, noticing the glare in Sarah's eyes.

"Nice to meet you, Sarah." I could tell that Jeanette was trying to be nice. Sarah on the other hand...

"I would love to shake your hand, but I haven't had a loser shot yet. Sorry!" She said in a sarcastic voice. Sarah, can you not?

It felt really bad to see Jeanette's hurt face. I mouthed a 'sorry' to her, and even though she didn't see it, she understood that I was trying to apologise, and forced a smile to Sarah.

"Anyways, nice to meet you, Zack and Sarah." She said, turned around on her heel in one swift move, and walking away.

"Babe, why did you do that?" I asked Sarah.

"Aw come on! You don't really like that loser, do you?" She asked me back.

"Nah." I replied, shaking off the thought of her wavy brown hair.

"Anyways, the guys and I are going to this HUGE party and it's gonna be awesome and..." She kept on rambling about things I really, truly didn't give a damn about.

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