Chapter 15:

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(A/N) PLEASE READ! Hi guys! The drawing is made by me, and I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry for taking so long to update. Also, I am giving you a one time only opportunity to get a shoutout. Here's the catch. You have to vote for this chapter, and come up with a ship name for Zack and Jeanette. The one I like most will be mentioned in further chapters and you will get a shoutout! Comment what your idea is! Author over and out.

Jeanette: 😆

When I came home, I was so utterly confused with Zack, but I was the happiest I have been all day long.

I closed the door behind me and put my back to the wall, sliding down into a sitting position with a dopey smile on my face. "He wanted to kiss me. He actually wanted to kiss
me!" I kept on repeating quietly, just in case he could hear me.

"Who wanted to kiss you?" My mom peeked from the kitchen, causing me to gasp so hard that I choked.

"Uh... A monkey, mom." I said with an unconvincing smile, which she surprisingly bought.

"Okay then, but if a monkey of all things tried to kiss you, then you seriously need a cleanup. Go take a quick bath before we go watch sundowners."

"Yes mom." I said and went into the bathroom, turning on the hot water and started undressing. I tied my hair up in a hasty and messy bun.

(How a shipper sees this: angsty naked shower time with just a flimzy wooden wall separating them!😂)

I slowly lowered myself into the water, flinching from the sudden heat, and then putting in the rest of my body, letting out a satisfied sigh.

I relaxed and drowned out the worries, enjoying a bit of 'me time'. My thoughts were constantly on that almost kiss. It was cute, the way Zack tilted his head to the left when he looked at my lips. His blue eyes, shining like a real sapphire, almost seemed lost in mine.

But that one special sweet split-second that our lips made contact, it felt like the world was going in slow-motion, and a teaspoon of sparks shot through me. It felt like making first contact on the moon. New, unexplored and beautiful.

That thought ended with a big bang, and just because of a image of Sarah glaring at me, it showed me the dark side of the moon. It made me realise that if I were to kiss him now, a million complications and consequences would follow, because it would mean that he cheated on Sarah, and I would be guilty as well.

So I did the first thing that came to mind in panic, and I pulled back, to avoid... Well... Everything that could follow.

My thoughts disappeared when I heard my mom calling me. "I'm coming!" I called back. I climbed out and put on jeans, a peach coloured tank top, sneakers and a sky blue hoodie.

Soon we were off to the beach and the view was beautiful. I put on some earphones, playing one of my favourite songs named Cristofori's dream by David Lanz (video is on the side). I've done modern ballet since I was seven, and my teacher told me I was a natural. I learned how to choreograph my own dance routines.

I always used this strategy to get rid of my troubles and anger. I jam my heart out when I dance. When the song ended, I stopped with my arms gracefully rising to touch the sky and my head held high.

"Preddy!" a tiny voice came from behind me, and I twisted around in surprise.

It was Leila, and she was holding the hand of the boy who was the reason I was dancing. In one hand, Zack had his little sister's hand. In the other was his phone.

"H-how long have you been standing there?" I asked while blushing, realising that he might have seen me dance.

Zack didn't respond, but I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. Both were staring at me, with their heads tilted to the left.

"What's so funny?" Zack asked, confused and awake. "You're just like your sister.  Anyways, how long have you been standing there?" I asked and he smiled.

"Long enough." He stated shortly and walked towards me, letting go of Leila's hand. Leila went off to go collect some seashells. "What song did you dance to?" He asked with his phone held in such a way that I couldn't see anything he was doing.

"Um... Cristofori's dream. Why?" "You'll see."

In seconds he gave the phone for me to watch. I was shocked at what I was looking at. It was a recording of me dancing. He captured me in a silhouette with a shimmering sea in the background and the sun outlining my edges with golden light.

It was beautiful. "You have an amazing talent." I complimented his photographic skills. "A photographer only takes the moments which can last forever." He said with a smirk.

He put his phone back in his pocket and looks at me. He gestured to one of the earphones and asked "May I?". I nodded and he put one on.

He looked through the songs and picked one. He then put my hands on his shoulders and his hands on my hips. The song started and it was "Just Give Me a Reason" by P!nk.

We started dancing in a five-star pattern. I twirled so he faced my back, and held my crossed hands on either side of me, and then letting go of my one hand so I twisted to one direction.

He was surprisingly good. His moves were fast, precise and genuine. Based on the song he chose, he was trying to state something.

I cleared my head and listened to the words. "Just give me a reason, just a little bit's enough, just a second. We're not broken just bent, and we can learn to love again. It's in the stars, it's been written in the scars of our hearts. We're not broken, just bent, and we can learn to love again."

The song ended and we sat down, watching the sun sink into the sea. Zack mumbled something and smiled. "Hm?" I asked and he turned his head to look at me.

"Where the sun sets in one place, it rises in another." He said simply. "Where did you get that quote from?" I asked. "Nowhere. I just came up with it." My mouth dropped. "Really?" He nodded in reply.

"Jeanette!" I heard my dad calling me from a distance. I turned my head and saw him gesture for me to come. "Coming!" I yelled back. "I gotta go." I told Zack and stood up. "Okay. I'll see you around." He said, standing up as well.

We didn't know how to say goodbye, so we just did an awkward 'friend-hug' and walked away in opposite directions.

I ran towards my parents. "Who's that boy?" Dad asked and lifted an eyebrow. "Just a friend, Dad. Don't worry." I said with honesty, because I was actually only going to accept Zack as a friend for now.

"Wasn't he that boy at the party?" Mom narrowed her eyes at the boy who was walking away with his sister. Uh-oh. My mom only saw him once and it was when I pushed him off at Ashleigh's party.

"Uh... Yes, it's him, but he's different now." I tried defending him. "Jeanette, if I could give you some advice, be careful. Boys don't change that easily." Dad warned me and I nodded in response.

"Now, when we go home, we're going to start packing up." Mom said while rubbing her hands together.

"Packing up?" I said, confused.

Mom looked at me as if I said something unbelievably stupid. "Of course! School starts next week, remember?"

--end of chapter--

(A/N: soooo? Did you enjoy it? It was really fun writing this chapter! Do me a favour and listen to Christofori's dream by David Lanz. It's absolutely beautiful. Please vote and comment, or both if you REALLY liked this! Author over and out.)

falling for the boy with sapphire blue eyesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora