Chapter 9:

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Finally! Summer break and I was going to a place near the beach.

We arrived at the cabin at about 12pm, so we were pretty tired. I woke up the next morning, greeted my dad and went to the outside balcony.

I yawned and stretched, feeling relieved and relaxed to get away from school and life's miseries.

Later that day, I went running on the beach. I challenged myself to run 100 steps with my eyes closed, because a beach has no obstacles except for jellyfish. (Guys I tried this AND IT'S SO AWESOME!)

After running down the curve of the beach, I opened my eyes and saw Zack, sitting on a rock. He was looking at me, eyes wide open.

I shut my eyes and shook my head, opening them to find Zack gone. 'Probably just hallucinating.' I thought and started running back.

I reached the other side of the beach after half an hour and saw the forest ahead. There was a slight indication of a path, and I decided to follow it.

Only about half an hour after I came in, I was lost. I mistook a patch of ground for a path somewhere along the way.

I was scared. "Hello? Is anybody there?" I called, but no response except for a rustle of leaves.

There wasn't even a slight gust of wind, so that kind of freaked me out...

I started walking around, making sure to stay away from the place I heard the sound come from.

Suddenly I heard a twig snap above me. I looked up, and saw only the trees. When I turned back, I jumped because of the random upside down face that just popped up in front of me.

"Hi there!" The girl chirped with a bright smile.

"EEP!" I yelped and backed away, tripping over a root that appeared out of nowhere.

"Sorry. Did I scare ya?" The girl grabbed the branch she was hanging on, swung around and landed a perfect somersault. She was full of cuts and bruises from tree injuries, with a bandage on her nose and around her arm.

"Uhh... Yeah, you did actually." I chuckled nervously and stood up.

"Say, are ye lost?" She asked and cocked her head to the side.

"Uh... Yes. I'm lost. Do you know the way back?" I answered, not completely sure of what to say.

"Sure! I'll show ye! Just follow me. I'm Electra, by the way." She smirked, holding out her hand for me to shake.

"Pleased to meet you, Electra." I shook her hand and she started walking.

"You're not really from around here, are ye?" She asked and looked back at me, following her like a puppy.

"Nope. How could you tell?" I replied, picking up a stick as if it was going to be useful.

"Weeeelll... First of all, ya got lost, second of all, ya don't really have the local accent, and third of all, I don't recognise yer face. Benefits of growing up in a small town." She listed with her fingers and I laughed in response.

Pretty soon we were out and I said goodbye to Electra. I put on my sandals and walked home.

Quick A/N: I am SO sorry for the super late update! Things at school have been hell, I'm as sick as a dog and I'm suffering from a lethal dose of WRITER'S BLOCK! Uuuugh!

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chappie, because this one was basically a wall that blocked the rest of my chapters, so writing might be a little easier from now on.


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