"Who's Really Running The Show" (roballen2)

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  • Dedicated to My Childrens's Teachers.

 “Who’s Really Running the Show”


    I personally know I am a megalomaniac.

 This is balanced out with a slight inferiority complex. Which is a direct result of people seeing my expertise in the techniques of valuation

Extend to myself, and faulting me for this.

     Do not undervalue your own esteemed gifts.

It only opens the door for others more then willing to do the same. “Undervalue” what only you can do…and do best. Bad Mistake!

    First off… The schools our children are going too are a waste of time. The toughest courses they can pick will not stretch their minds. It either these schools , or you have to send them away.

This not only cost a lot of money. Children-especially teenagers should be, and belong at home

With their families.

Not to mention a tough prep school can drill you so you can enter Stanford, Harvard, Yale, or any of the best. They will also pick up false standards.

Nutty ideas about money, social position…or the right tailor.

     The current high schools will not give any students the right books.

They have all become “Over Grown Kindergartens’.

     This is not their fault as children and students, it is YOUR fault as parents.

If you assume simply because your child likes to read, is quick with figures, clever with their hands they are getting an education.

Think Again.

Know, they are not.

      The schools, nice places, well equipped, smoothly administered, beautifully kept.

These kids love those schools. A lot of “School Spirit”. The curriculum-”BULLSHIT” Occupational therapy for morons!

     The following truth should be known. History shouldn’t constantly be re-written. This is how/why human kind keeps falling into a variation of the same shit pile…every other generation.

Global warming-Yes-No?

Did the holocaust happen, for real?

Why is there always at least one war going on someplace all the time?

Why??? 9 out of 10 times is “America” involved in these wars?

What started world war one?

     If the entire text of “The Bill of Rights”, or even just “The First Amendment” were circulated on the streets as a petition, many would resist approving it. They would not recognize their own Constitution as the source. WORSE-they would not accept the principles reflected in these basic guarantees.

    Americans have been, and continue to be “Dummied Down” for a reason.

    Here is a big part of it.

     Captains of industry. People that can see putting together pieces of segmented businesses,

Or operations can make a power much greater then the sum of it’s parts.

      These people talk of “control”, wealth, internal capital markets, alternate equity risk premiums, building capital itself, etc., etc.

    Like people into music talk of bands, instruments, Songs, the music, etc., etc…

    These puppet masters are magnificent egotist.

Arrogance! Humility is a handicap.

    Children in history classes , are taught the names, the faces of political and military leaders.

Here is Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, Franco, de Gaulle, Atlee and Macmillan. (countless others) These men did matter. But they were, really little more then spokesmen. They were/are in an exalted sense, press secretaries, employees.

     The people truly with “The Power”, the marionette masters-

    They are the directors of a massive single corporation that controls all other corporations, worldwide.

     They use to move the masses like sheep.

They were in charge of the Western History itself!

     Now the ignorant masses are moved like schools of fish. They are in charge of creating “The History of the World”.

    No time for useless emotion, irrational sentiments.

The development of productivity.

The promulgation of order.

The rational concentration of capital.

     The destiny of the Human Race is too important to be in the hands of the ignorant masses.

     The daily fodder of the “Fake” new papers and news networks-a labor strike, a party assembly, assassinations. These are not random events.

The complex and intricate machinations of a highly organized network of the worlds most rich and powerful people. All achieved with discretion and prudence.

     This same group devised the language of the acts that would be submitted to and passed by the American Congress.

    It now crosses everyone’s mind from time to time that this world, and it’s history has fallen under the administration of a hidden consortium.

    This is always dismissed by a carefully place predisposed world view.

You think, “Conspiracy Theories”, paranoia.

     Think again.

    This group is currently remodeling the whole modern world.

     They own history.

    So if you like to know some truth. If you can still sort out bullshit from truth. Do your research. Learn yourself, ask the questions, teach yourself, look for the answers yourself…

     Then encourage your children to do the same.

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