"Nine-'9' Things to do right now, to make the world better"

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  • Dedicated to Change Yourself, then the world.

   “Nine (9) things you can start now and make a better world”

   For generations and generations we were, and continued to be taught, and teach a way that is wrong. CHANGE! We start with ourselves and then we refuse to teach our children the old myths and propaganda.
    We already know sheeple will give up their every right, and even their life’s to hold onto these old customs and myths.
    This would not be an easy change. People(sheeple) don’t want to believe in anything but a worldview that has been imposed on them. Give them the undeniable facts and they dispute them with insane and outdated myths. There’re also too mentally lazy to try to figure things out, truthfully, for themselves.
    When the times get desperate enough perhaps the younger generations will come to an understanding of this IDEA. (MEME)
    After a few generations have practiced a different and hopefully better way of life. With a continued stress on respect for what lives. Meaning all life. A real truth about the human condition continuously observed and reported. This will bring about an evolution, even now our children are getting smarter. I do NOT believe they will blindly follow the paths that we are now taking.
    All intention, negative and positive will be channeled to a constructive end.

    If it is know by intelligent people that a small group of, “Secret” societies are running the world, why assume they wouldn’t want, “at the least” what is good for the masses?
    Mountains of wealth and power would be a great responsibility.

    Being this IS the case, I suggest the right people, within the groups we are speaking of, come forth, speak truth, declare intention. Take the reins and change world government. All want to give their children a world that is alive with the great goodness.
    The political mouth pieces along with their hierarchy of parasites aren’t needed. Unless….you truly are fucking the sheeple so badly you have to have a SCAPEGOAT!
    If that’s the case, do the world and yourself a favor and kill  yourself. Because it is YOU and YOUR kind that brought this world to it’s current state of affaires.
    Anyway…forgive the negative.
    There are alot of smart people yelling, FIRE! FIRE!
#1-TAKE BACK CONTROL OF THE MEDIA! or get rid of it.
If you don’t think the media is controlled and censored by our, and every other government then you are just not informed.(Sheeple)
The government uses the media to keep us doped up on bullshit.
Pump trash into our minds and the minds of our children like they were dumping grounds. Why? To keep our minds off what’s really going on. If you need ask, What’s really going on? Your sheeple and you better start digging for your first truth!
#2-CONTROL POPULATION! This Is going to be the weirdest and hardest thing for people to do, and understand. You just read how the population keeps doubling and doubling. You think this is a good thing? All of life, the planet itself will suffer and change to the point when it won’t support any mammals.
    Get the right brains going. (The Rand Corp. already knows)
What is the number of people this world can comfortably support?
Now…how many kids can each, couple have? Then both male and female are, “fixed”. They have brought their child into the world.
They will be monetarily rewarded /compensated, and this helps with expenses of the child.
    There is also a need for requirements of couples that choose to be parents.
    You meet requirements to drive, to have a job, etc., etc..
But…any fool that can fuck can bring a helpless child into this world? This has to be completely re-thought.
    From the time you start influencing your Childs worldview, they should be taught with love this is the way.
#3-STOP THE SPACE PROGRAM We‘re wasting billions and billions of money, great minds and resources. First off= WE can’t even keep our own planet alive.
If the whole space program is lies and bullshit, that will be exposed. Humans in their little carbon-based bacteria filled world,
Sending space shit and telescopes out to infect the universe.
    Use those great minds, money, and resources to, “GREEN UP OUR OWN WORLD’. For the good of all that lives.
#4-STOP THE DEFENSE DEPARTMENT!-Keep enough national defense to protect our borders, if threatened. Withdraw all military forces that are not in the act of defending our borders and OUR constitution. In simple terms, “Mind our own business”. Perhaps what’s right for us on this side of the world, may not be right,  or welcome elsewhere. Hopefully a day will come when this is totally un-necessary. The evolved children of our evolved children, will move forward, with respect for what lives.
    This gives us more resources to devote to the more pressing issues of Humanity.
#5-STOP POLLUTION!-A worldwide EPA, Environmental Protection Agency. Making sure this is enforced by honest and concerned environmentalist Groups. Put some of those Great Minds that’s were formerly making weapons, etc., to work figuring out sustainable energy sources. Ways to get thirsty people, “Clean” water.
Show them what un-controlled industry will do to THEM, THEIR CHILDREN. The change in life expectancy, birth defects, how long will this poison stay? What it’s doing to their wildlife and rivers, etc..
    Humans may have to sacrifice technological comforts and amusements at worst.
#6-RE-THINK ACITECHURE-Time to abandon use-less decorations, and European traditions, or any other.
    Green Friendly Re-new able tradition has to be the way. It should have been the way long ago.
    Excess. Greed, un-thinking, ignorant monuments to money, and waste.
    Human dwelling could be made more comfortable. More practical and self sustaining. Again, it’s just getting society to accept new ways, new ideas. Even if there’re good, even if there’re right. If it’s something people aren’t used too. Society isn’t ready to accept such change at such time. Build what is good, what is right. Make it better, more comfortable, cheaper and easier to maintain. They will change, if for no other reason then they are sheeple. (sheeple are the last hold-outs on all new and good ideas)
#7-RE-STUCTURE THE EDUCATION SYSTEM-This should really be one of the first things to change. Try teaching children the truth, for once. Quit white-washing all the bad things and creating this big lie that everyone agrees sounds good.
    Quit herding children from class to class explaining the homework ten different ways. They go home and read, write, and memorize a bunch of propaganda and use-less facts. None of this is going to help them that much when it come to solving the everyday problems of life.
    Most of the world never really knows what kind of workforce there’re preparing and educating the children to enter.
It’s changing all the time.
    The least we should do (we should never do the least when it comes to our children) is teach them how to take care of themselves in a world of un-expected occurrences. Life constantly throws dilemmas. Coping with them is a big key.
    Love them and they will love. Respect what lives and they will respect what lives.
#8-RE-STRUCTURE THE US GOVERNMENT-Divide the United States into five sections. Give less power to the federal branch.
Northwest, Southwest, Northeast, Southeast, and the Mid-West.
   Keep peace and freedom. Make this work to such a beautiful point.
   Example, diplomacy, and finesse, will teach our children and keep our neighbors friends. Change will come with peace.
    Work to make this an example for a future world government.
#8-REVEL TRUTH REGUARDING RELIGION- Simply tell the real facts. The who, what, when, where, why, and how they ALL got started.
    The solar myth. Control. Dope. Money. Fear, guilt.
    Just plain TRUTH.
    Intelligent people are already aware of the bullshit. Just spell it out for everyone, that’s what I’m really trying to do.
    Quit teaching these myths. They’ve done nothing but bad for all that lives. It’s really insane.
#9-Stop the War on Marijuana-It cost the United States about ten billion a year. More good minds/people and money and resources that could be better used elsewhere to benefit humanity and the planet. Plus it’s not that bad for people. It would generate great income in so many ways. Also many products can be made from the hemp plant. It is a, “Green Friendly” Re-new able resource.

    Now start with these nine things.
    Do what is written, don’t waste time twisting my words to suite your purpose. It’s plain and it’s clear…and now I’ve awoken
It in your being. You know this is the way. If you want peace with humanity and the planet.
    Now you change. Teach others this truth.
Whatever you do. This IS NOT A RELIGION to speak of it as any  thing like that is an oxymoron. This is an IDEA. You do NOT die or kill for IDEAS. If a better IDEA comes alter your IDEA as needed.    Love, Everything Positive, Respect what lives,  Robert Keith Allen Nov.2009

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