Chapter Nine

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Dad always told me to never fall for the first guy I love or see because they either don't have good intentions or they are just not the one. Mathias Knight. He's the type of guy you know if you fall you may never get up again. I really don't believe im ready for something not that he wants to start anything I know that but I truly believe our story ended in sophmore year. We were just kids playing around with each other he told me so many times we won't ever be together and I think it is finally sticking.


I like him in ways the greatest writer couldn't even describe. But In the end, I finally realized that he didn't care for me, and all those moments we had was all a lie. I remember our last night we had together there he sat looking at me in a way none other had ever looked at me. In a way I don't know how to interpret. I hated being around him. I hated the way he made me feel. I hate him for not knowing how much pain he had caused me.

I still hate him but not in a way where I would wish bad upon him. I just can't break my own heart by being with him which is why im pushing away. I can't handle the little flirts or the small sexual comments without thinking their might be some possibility that he likes me. But no one ever likes the girl that is too broken or too braty, they use her for their pleasures like he did. I really hate him but its hard when you're deeply into them too.

It's like im stuck in this deep hole and can't get out no matter how many ladders are thrown down I choose not to climb them, I can do it but me staying in that hole means I still have a chance of digging deeper maybe find an opening on the other side if I just keep trying.

I might just make it. He might just love me back.

I usually compare him to a drug injected to my veins that keeps me up on high even on days I couldn't get out of bed. But what I never say, what Im afraid to admit is that most times I fear that i'll get used to this feeling. that i'll get used to this high, and that one day i'll wake up,  desentize, with all my love stuck feelings for him gone.

"MOM?" Nico yells taking me out of my gaze when the door opens showing mother with her expensive women suit and slicked back ponytail. Mother is always dressed like a businesswoman wherever she goes because she wants people to know she's important. I remember dad used to do the same they would look like the most powerful couple in this planet while nico and I would wear just sweatpants in the back of them, they never failed to impress the paparazzi or anyone for that matter,

Their love. The way they would look at each other is all I wanted when I was younger. They were my ideal love story. But that was just a one of a kind fairy tale story that no one could recreate or be. "Good afternoon children Adelina stop hitting your brother with the remote and sit up" She gestures to my choice of seating. Typical.

"What are you doing here mom?" Nico says getting up from the floor. "I can't visit my kids after a long day at work?" Nico and I look at each other in pure confusion. We know our mom loves us even though she doesn't show it as much anymore but after she moved out its weird having her around. "Mom you know we love when you come by but why right now at what?"

"10 pm" I whisper "At 10" she sighs before hitting him on the head.

"I was bored at the penthouse too many people were running around asking questions, I don't recommend having your own businesses it too much work"

"Wasn't planning on it but thanks for the tip" Nico says, making our mom laugh. It's been years since I've seen her crack a smile and Nico seemed to notice because he gave me an excited look.

"You want to stay today?" I ask her "No hon its fine I have to finish up some work you guys should go to sleep" She says getting up from the couch

"We're fine" I wave her off "Mom before you leave I gotta question" she nods for him to continue "Is Adelina really older?" I roll my eyes and my mom begins laughing

"You guys really don't know who's older?"


"Yes me!"

"Settle down and it's not you Adelina he's actually older by 6 minutes" She laughs again this time Nico joins and I'm standing shook. "What?" Is the only thing I get out

"Your dad told you, you were younger so you would stop making fun of her for being the youngest but that dumbass forgot that you were born 6 minutes apart not one and never fixed saying that you -she points to me- weren't the oldest I figured to leave it and you will eventually catch on"

"I am the oldest!" He flexes his biceps in my face "Adelin go to your room" He says firmly getting a hit on the head by mom "You're older not her dad and both of you go to sleep I'll see you both soon" She says giving each of us a hug and kiss on the forehand before walking out the estate.

"So little sister of 6 minutes what would you like to watch" He teases

"I would like to watch you die!" I attack him but he moves away

"You savage!" He yells running around as im chasing him

"Come here you coward" I lost him when I entered the kitchen for a saucepan. The house is huge so it's going to take a while to find him which is why I called for reinforcement.

"NICHOLAS ARRISON" Max yells as I open the door for him. "Why am I screaming again?" he whispers next to me.

"You called for reinforcements? you Bitch " Nico seethed through the speakers, meaning he was in the control room.

"Come out and no one would have to get hurt" I shout "Aha" I see nico peeping his head through the door of the kitchen where Max and I were standing, Max quickly catches on and tackled him to the floor.

"Little sister please get this fat monster off my back" he uttered "Are you fat shaming me! I go to the gym everyday fyi" Max scoffed

"Will you go cry? and get off my back if I tell you I am fat shaming you?" Nico smirks


"Worth a try" he shrugs "Just wait until he comes you're going down" Nico whispers I was about to ask who or what when the door opens showing him, Mathias Knight "What are you doing here and why do you have a bat" I ask him

"Nico said he was under attack. I couldn't get a hold of my gun guy and this bat was outside" he says casually "Gun guy?"

"Don't tell me you are afraid of guns darling" He grins "Im not I actually love them I just never pegged you as a gun guy" I Shrugged "You didn't peg me very much it was quite the opposite actually"

I was about to curse him out when Nico started whining "Can you guys catch up about guns another day and help me"

"Max get off him" I tell him "I called you for nothing" Nico points to Mathias with a disgusted look.

"What was going on?" Mathias sits on the counter in the middle of Max and I "I was told im not the oldest and Nico is actually six minutes older - I roll my eyes- he hid so called for backup" I grin looking at Max who's already smiling back.

"I never thought you guys were close" Mathias crosses his fingers between us signaling just us  "I hung out with him during our free period and talked about the fashion industry in paris and what they will expect from him all that sort of stuff and I guess we bonded" I shrugged Mathias simply nods before walking to nico.

"Someone's jealous" He teases "Why didn't you tell him Im gay" I grin at his statement

"I shouldn't explain to others your sexuality and you shouldn't either plus its funner that way" I wink

"Funner is not a word" he yells after me as Im walking out the kitchen doors

"You get what I said" I laugh.

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