Chapter Thirty Four

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There is this story my grandma used to tell me years ago when I used to visit her back in Italy. The story used to be about soulmates, I was reading a romance book as we were on the jet to go spend the summer there in Italy and when we landed the first question I asked my grandma was about soulmates I thought she was the perfect person to answer it mostly because all my life I've looked up to her I thought she was the most wise person on earth and I also saw how much she loved my grandpa.

"What is the difference between the love of your life and your soulmate?" I ask her as we sit on the front porch watching as people and small Italian cars pass by with a small milkshake in hand.

"One is a choice and the other isn't" She states playing with my hair as she talks. "But I thought you couldn't choose who you love I thought that if you spend so much time with someone you eventually fall in love sometimes it happens on accident . i've read countless of stories and all of those people say that they fell in love on accident or what not" I tell her as she gives me a small giggle in return.

"You can love someone a lot and they can love you the same way, but them being committed to never leaving you is priceless. Love and team go together hand in hand. In one lifetime you will love many times but one love will burn your soul forever." She says in her thick accent.

"I don't understand still grandma" I groan, I want to know how Im going to know what the difference is if I ever fall in love. I don't want to vulnerable to that person I want to, No, I need to know how I might feel with that person. I need to know the difference. My grandma laughed as she pulled me closer to her since it's getting darker and chillier.

"One day, you will find that paring soul. It will be a feeling beyond your imagination. You just can't help but adore them. You will feel your whole heart melt for this person. This beautiful soul will bring joy, laughter, calmness and so much inspiration, that you will finally see hope in front of you. For once, you can actually say, Im in love. I can see a future with this person. I can share my life with this person. Maybe this one is not a lesson. Maybe this one is what they call a soulmate. Soulmates will end up together in the end no matter the circumstances, No matter how much love was lost, and no matter how much distance there was. You lose each other again. That is what it's like when someone is meant for you, if they leave they will return and stay forever"

"Was grandpa your soulmate?" I ask her and she nods sadly. "But if grandpa is your soulmate why did you guys divorce" She sighed before responding. "Sometimes soulmates aren't the person you finally end up with sometimes too many things get in the way but that's no excuse for leaving and I truly believe he is my soulmate, my twin flame, the one and only love of my life but someone can mean all those things to you and you won't understand how they could still leave if they felt the exact same way but soulmates don't always end up together."

"I thought that's what a soulmate did. I thought they always end up being the person you end up with now you're telling me they don't always end up together? But in my books there is always a happy ending where the girl says how much they love each other and get married" I explain holding up my most recent book.

"Every story has an ending the author told you how they got married and ended up together with kids in the end but they never told you the actual ending the endings they had in their head they're might have been a plot line where she doesn't end up with him and goes on with life but the world is so small even if we don't realise it that they will eventually see them one day with them leaving with someone and wonder what could've been not every soulmate ends up together lina sometimes the other person is so hurt that they settle and it's too late to fix the broken glass"

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