Chapter Fifty Four

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Three Years Later...

I dropped out of college, I have a great explanation for that. I was good at business I know that others did too I saw myself coming very far in the industry. The first three months of college were crucial but little by little it started to get better I still hated it but in my defence I never liked any sort of school so only because I decided to go to college didn't mean I had to love it.

Freshman college year was great I loved the people I met that are now my ultimate best friends, Im still in contacts with Grace and Alex but as much as I hate to admit it these girls understand me on a whole level that they didn't. Speaking of Alex she met a guy two years ago and they are completely in love he is absolutely amazing to her. Eli is absolutely amazing to her, They met on accident at first she used to bug me about how I could be friends with such a jerk and that the last time she met him over at mine he used to be nicer long story short he won her over.

They are super cute and I adore them together.

College was not a bad experience and I totally do not regret going it took my mind from a ton of things, I will admit though that the first months all I did was party and almost went down the road that Nico was in years ago thankfully the night that I was about to take a pill while I was tipsy a girl who I saw most of the time around campus slapped the pill right of my hand and told me that if I take it I would have to say bye bye to my future she told me how she's seen me around and she knows that I might have a great explanation for it but sometimes talking is better than getting high. I thought of my parents of nico, even grandma came into my vision.

Sometimes a soulmate doesn't have to be someone you are in love with but just someone you love, Jacky is my friend soulmate she can be stupid at times but that's what I love about her. She supported my decision when my family thought I was crazy at first. Dropping out my second year of business and law and get back to dancing was the best decision of my life.

While I was in college the only thing that kept me motivated to keep going instead of staying in my apartment or partying every day was going to a dance studio and do my passion that I've had for years but never acted on it.

I found that dance was key to keeping depression out of my life. When I dance, things just go away. Things don't seem so bad. There's no better way to take care of health than though something as joyous and beautiful as dance. I don't just dance. I perform. I breathe. I watch the world disappear. I release my feelings. I lead with my heart. I tear down my walls and stop feeling sad I lose all my pain. I just let go. I smile.

I could not adequately describe the way dance makes me feel, It is as though I had somehow found a way to sever the chords holding me to this earth and for a moment if only a fraction of a second I can fly.

Movement had the capacity to take us to the home of the soul, the world within for which we have no name. Movement reaches our deepest nature, and dance creatively expresses it. Through dance, we gain new insights into the mystery of our lives. When brought forth from the inside and forged by the desire to create a personal change, dance has the profound power to heal the body, psyche and soul.

A year after Im the one of the biggest ballerina dancers, I get to do what I love for hours while getting paid at the same time.

"Lina you coming?" Jacky muffled voice calls from my bathroom while im hidden away in my room trying to find my other heel I saw it the other way while I was trying to find for my chapstick and saw the heel under the covered sheets. "I can't find my heel!" I groan, three seconds later Jacky comes in with another one of my friends Taylor.

"She's just stalling" Ty rolls her eyes looking down at my mess in my room. I gasp accusingly even though they are completely right I am stalling I don't want to go out to girls day bar when my ex boyfriend works at said bar. Of course im stalling we broke up just a month ago.

"Is this because of Tony?" Jacky kneels down to my level moving the piles of clothes away from me and back into my closets. I nod in return.

"Say that we go to another bar somewhere out of here maybe farther into the city, Yeah?" I know how much the girls love that bar but the fact that they would do that makes my heart leap with excitement. "Would you do that for me?" This time Taylor kneels down with me handing me the lost heels I hid behind the dresser.

"Of course darling i'll text the girls they would love a change of scenery" She smiles leaving the room to call Ashley, Elli, and Ashter.


I haven't heard the name in so long along with lin. It's been a while since I actually thought about him at first yeah he was all that filled my brain. Memories of 18 years growing up together would never fully go extinct they would maybe fade they did fade until now. The darling name didn't feel the way it used to now it just feels like a word like before he started calling me that. It's nothing to me now, maybe because Taylor said it.

I met Taylor in biology class during a fire drill that we accidently caused, I knew her because we were partners but we didn't talk unless we had to he's basically the smartest she's on her last year of studying about being a scientist of god knows what the name is too long. And hard to pronounce. She came from an asian strict household but she revealed her senior year she was supposed to go to yale but they didn't accept her sucks for them because she's crazy smart yet we almost burned down a whole laboratory together because we used a whole different chemical. I guess our bonding was in the classroom when we had to clean the room together.

"You good?" Jacky speaks after were both done picking up my mess "Yeah all good just thinking old thoughts" I smile.

"You still miss him?" I know who she means, after I puked at the party I spilled everything to her in the bathroom floor I told her about my family told her about mathias, I told her the whole Alex situation I told her all about my years before and she just sat there and listened she didn't speak she didn't interrupted she didn't try and give me advice she just did what I wanted someone to finally do. She listened.

She didn't want me to feel alone so she told me her stuff, her life was a rollercoaster of emotions. Who knew that the person who can drag you out the dark can be someone who was also in the same hole.

"No, I don't miss him like I used to I miss the memories" I tell her sitting on the bed "The good ones, the ones that made my heart flutter, when he wasn't sleeping around behind my back he was caring he was funny I loved how hard he made me laugh, When we weren't fighting we were having fun times"

"You guys have had history since you guys were like five I don't expect you to automatically forget that sometimes it's nice to draw back good memories that help you remember how good they made life feel." I nod

"Did you go back to him because he was so good in bed?" We both laugh at her question "What it's serious!" I nod "Eh I would too if a guy was so good they finally let me finish" She sighs but right after laughs "I can tell you that with him I always finished" I winked but she gives me a disgusted look which I laugh at.

"Finish what?" Ashter comes into the room with a plate of brownies, not the special kind though.

"Sex Ash. Sex" Jacky tells her as she takes a brownie going outside to the living room "Im so glad im lesbian I don't have to worry about that" She shrugs as we all leave my room once the rest of the girls came.

Off to the club

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