Chapter Sixty One

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He didn't seem faced by the way Mathias treated him, I doubt he even cared. As we walked up the stairs to my apartment since the elevator was broken. My luck today.

I looked over at Levi to see that he didn't mind the fact that he we were walking up fifteen flights of stairs. "I do cardio" he says nonchalantly. I wondered who this man was. Why did I have the urge to get to know him? Why did he protect me?
Maybe because of the thing he told me about his mother being abused when he was young.

I probably shouldn't be wondering why either he maybe did it to be kind I should just be grateful and not jump into conclusions. I did that once, didn't end so well.

Speaking of Mathias he sent me a big paragraph on email I think it was apologizing. Not sure though I didn't read it instead I quickly deleted it and moved on.

"Sit" I ordered Levi on the counter while I went into the bathroom to get my first aid kit. A bunch of friends who go out partying everyday you will be bound to need them sooner or later.

"I thought you weren't going to do anything kinky if I came up" he winks but his busted eye caused him pain. I ignored the comment and went straight back to cleaning up the dried up blood on the side of his cheeks. I felt his sight maybe more since I'm in between his legs. I shivered at the thought of us doing something more.

It's been too long.

He caught on once I shifted away from his groin but he didn't make any curtain movements he relaxed moving his hands from his legs to the back of him lounging back, my mind only full of dirty thoughts a woman shouldn't speak of.

Holy mother of grace.

"You okay?" He asks I don't so much but nod "Yeah, why do you say?" I try to make my voice as confident as ever.

"You been on the same spot since for a while now" I quickly change from his cheek to his lip but that doesn't make my situation better now all I can think of is how they would feel.

"I'm sorry for the way he treated you" I spoke to erase these wishful thoughts. "You don't have to apologize for him" I knew he was right but I couldn't bring myself not to.

"Who was that guy anyways? Old ex? Stalker? Best friend who was in love with you? Step brother that fell in love with you?" I shake my head laughing "I have no other kinky shit Dina"

"I never heard of that one" he gives me a confused look, I dap his lip once more before stepping away since I'm done. "The nickname I've been called hundreds thanks to my name not Dina though" I walk over to throw the cloth away and next thing I see is Levi walking towards my living room space.

"So you want me to not call you that?" He asks sitting on my white couch. "No it's fine I like it. And to answer your question from earlier he's an old guy I had some fling with" I hand him a water bottle before sitting next to him.

"Didn't look like a fling how long were you two together?"

"We started the end of freshman year broke it off around junior year but came back a couple months before senior year ended" I explain "oh not so bad for a college relationship many people have those"

"Actually high school" he gasps almost choking on his water "High school? And he's still clung on?!" I laugh at his choice of words.

"I wouldn't say clung on" handing him a paper he takes it cleaning himself up before getting closer not to be sexual but to hear more. "He is didn't you hear the girl behind us yelling that was his girlfriend! Dina even I could tell mostly because of the fact they kept making out during everything" I shrug

"A guy isn't that protective over a girl unless he was still into her"

"He cheated, he lied, on our first date before we became official he left me standing on my porch while he fucked another girl at a bar, during our "fling" we got into a fight and he left to London and slept with as many girls as he could. After fights he couldn't handle he found himself a girl for the night and once on our first night I was drunk and  kissed a guy and he yelled at me about loyalty but the next night he texted me asking me to come over to "fix" whatever happened the night before and instead I found a girl fully naked in his house and he was just standing there with a smile on his face " I explained.

Levi didn't say anything instead he laughed and laughed making me laugh at his laughter. "What?"

"That's no 'typical high school guy' that right there is a full boy he kept on throwing temper tantrums and instead of showing him better you gave it to him" he shrugs taking a fruit from my bowl.

"You're insinuating this is all my fault? That because of me he was acting the way he was?" He nods shaking his head. "You deserved better and you knew it I can tell you're a smart girl maybe smarter than you think but you kept going back to him each time he asked like a kid because you thought that he was your source of happiness and sanity"

"I didn't ask for a therapy session when I asked you to come in" I retorted making him give me a slight chuckle. "Look Dina we're not friends we're just acquaintances who happen to get to know each other  at a wedding so I get to tell you with all sincerity that you were stupid" he shrugs

"I slept with him again the other week" I say softly but he chokes again on his mandarine "I keep making you choke I'm sorry" he laughs so I hit him "Stop thinking dirty"

"Why the fuck would you do that have you learned nothing?!"

"I was drunk" he huffs out an annoyed sigh "That's like saying oh I can't see because my eyes were closed! Bull shit! No way you could've gotten that drunk when you're a ballerina" he shrugs "I watch TV"

"I didn't recognize him" Levi rolls his eyes exaggerating the movement "How good was his dick really that you have to just keep going back?" I drink my water.

"It's not his way of being in bed but it's him" Levi sits back down next to me "Baby girl I can't blame you for falling in love everyone does, but we fall in love to learn. Our first love won't be the one we will have in the future but some people are so lucky sometimes that it is but others like us don't have the opportunity for it. What I'm trying to say is that the first guy you loved won't own your heart or soul. You do"

I bawled my eyes out on his shoulder. Who knew a complete stranger would make me sob in only a matter of seconds with only a few words. This cry wasn't those that end quick it was the feel good cry it out kind of cries the cries that instead of causing more pain feel like relief.

And for the first time I wasn't crying for him but I was crying for me. I was crying for my liberty from him.

Mathias knight, the first guy I ever loved. Or at least thought I did, he changed my point of view of life he thought me lessons for the future things I might need to watch out for mistakes I need to take part and throw away.

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Not edited so please point out any mistakes love you all!!!

Thank you for those who keep reading my first story I hope you love it so far but I will have to announce "A Two Year Desire" will be coming to an end soon.

Don't forget to comment and vote lovely's

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