Chapter 7

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"Momma, can we go to the playgwound again? I wanna meet my fwends!"

Nico asked waddling into his closet. We spent the whole morning and afternoon arranging his closet. And now after some cookies and milk the maids served, we got our energy back.

Well, someone seems to have their energy boost up to spend another day at the playground!

"I guess we could baby. Pack your bags and Momma will help you get dressed. C'mon love." I said.

The whole time while climbing up, more like hopping up, the stairs he had a huge grin plastered on his cute chubby face.

I packed his bag with his sippy water bottle, and in another, I filled juice in case he doesn't want water.

Then I grabbed his ball to play with. Once everything was packed I went to the closet and picked out his outfit

As soon as he was ready he ran to the theater room to watch some TV while I get ready. I went to my room and picked a red sleeves top and matched it with jean shorts.

We got ready and went out the door to the playground.

We went to our usual spot beneath the tree and sat down. Nico took his water while his eyes scanned the park for his friends.

"Momma, my fwends are not here. Can you play with me pwease?" Nico asked with his puppy eyes. I gave in and we played a little soccer for a while.

I remember the time when my papa, Nate and I used to play when I was a little older than Nico. Papa used to train both of us.

Though my mama was against me learning 'boy stuff', as she used to say, she never stopped me from spending time with them. I'm glad we could make memories.

Now that neither of them is here with me. (AN: Jonathan is her brother, Nate is his nickname)

After 30 minutes, Nico's friends came and started playing with him. I went and sat at our bench.

Occasionally he would turn to make sure if I'm safe or not. That boy is something. Daisy was not wrong when she said he is just like his papa.

If his dad was here, I bet he would be proud of Nico. As I was lost in my thoughts I didn't notice a man sitting next to me.

"What is a beautiful lady like you doing here alone?" A deep voice came from beside me. I turned to see a blue-eyed brunette guy staring at me with- amusement?

"Well, It's rude not to answer you know?" he continued.

"I'm here with my son. He is playing with his friends." I replied.

"Oh! My son is playing here too. So tell me, are you married or.." he trailed off looking at my ringless finger.

"I'm a single mom." My answer seems to make him happy of some sort.

"That's fantastic!" he exclaimed. I raised my eyebrow at his comment.

He looked embarrassed for a second before recovering his previous posture and asked, "I must say, a beautiful face should hold a beautiful name, Can I please know your name?".

I knew exactly where this was going. I need a way to escape. But how?!

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE? NO, COME NEAR MY MOMMA! GO AWAY!" I heard a loud shout. Thank God. I was worried about how to escape.

Always my saviour, My baby.

The man got a little shaken up by the sudden noise. He left immediately after giving me and my baby a small but forced smile and disappeared around the corner with his son.

Nico turned grumpy immediately. He always becomes annoyed and grumpy when any guy tries to court me.

"Me not like men near momma. Let's go home NOW!" Nico started saying which ended up in a shout. Before his tantrums could start I hurried back home.

'What an eventful day' I thought to myself while buckling up a grumpy Nico.


"WHAT?!" I asked. My blood was boiling in anger listening to the head guard whom I assigned for Jo and Nico.

In anger, I threw all the papers off my table and hit the wall. A dent formed in the wall. Well, I wish that dent was on the man's face.

No one and I mean no one will go near them. They are mine!

"S-sir, we didn't expect him to approach her. But on the bright side, before he could speak anymore, Master Nicholas shouted at the man and he ran away with his son." The head guard stuttered.

I tried to calm myself before I could speak any further. "Just keep an eye on her, and if any kind of stunt is pulled again, shoot the men pursuing her on the spot. Got it?" I ordered coldly.

"Yes, sir." And with that, I hung up.

How dare another man try to claim what is mine. It's been a week since the announcement at the dinner. I guess my plan needs to be put in action before my loves are snatched away from me.

'Like you would allow it!' my mind mocked me. I smirked.


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