Chapter 11

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Alright. My life is just going great! Too great in fact. Guess what? Vince asked me out a month back for a date.

And we clicked off. He took me to lavish restaurants and huge ass stores. The cost of the products is like 20 times my current salary!

On our second date, he asked me to be his girlfriend. We made it official. He spoiled me with a set of diamond jewellery that night. I bet my friend's Mexican ass that it costs a hell lot!

So as I said, I have been very happy. I thought he was a playboy and won't settle down. But he looks quite serious with me though it's only been a month.

My Jo sweetie has a crush on a hot guy, not hotter than my Vince, he also has a profound crush on her. He has been chasing after her like crazy.

But she isn't paying attention to him. I know she likes that hunk. And guess what? Vince and hunk guy are cousins. Now their entire family figured out they like somebody.

Well, I met Vince's parents, Lorenzo and Valerie Santiago. They are precious I say. They were so kind and generous to me. But his sisters were very cautious about me in the beginning.

Well obviously they thought I was with him for his money but no. I wasn't. I was with him cause I like him. A lot. And he reciprocates the feelings too. And they realized it as well.

So now his family, which is huge, I mean very huge, are helping hunk guy to get with Jo. And when his parents found out she has Nico, they were over the moon about having a grandson.

So Valerie and Rosa, Lucas's mom, shifted to the hospital Jo and I work at. As to make their work easier. Work implies their matchmaking.

Rosa and Jo met at the hospital canteen when Nico wanted snacks. Since then Rosa grabs every chance to get close to Jo and Nico. Though the latter has warmed up to her a lot.

Hunk guy kept trying to impress and court Jo in so many romantic ways, but she declined every time. Quite sad if you ask me.

I just want her to stop, leave her past. Accept that he isn't coming back. He left her. Period. She has to move on. She needs happiness. Nico needs a father figure.

Walking into Jo's cabin, I snatch the file away. "What happened now drama queen?", she asked.

I took a deep breath and started, "Listen Jo. You're gonna shut up and listen to me. I need you to move on. Let the past go. It's been years. He isn't coming back. You need a man in your life, Nico needs his dad. His family comes to you and helps him to go for you not because he is their son but because they would like you to be his other half. And that poor guy tries so hard, why don't you just give him a chance? What's wrong with that huh? If not for you, do it, try it, for Nico. If you still don't like him then I won't force you".

She was stunned. Well so was I. I have never spoken to her like that nor to anyone. Heck! She is gonna be fucking mad at me but let her. It's all for her sake.

I get up and leave her room. Leaving her in her thoughts. When I turned, I saw Vincent. He smirked and dragged me to the supplies closet.

"What are you doing Vince? I may lose my job!" I whisper shouted.

"I want to be inside you. You look so sexy today. Fuck me!" He said huskily.


We were holding hands and passing through the corridor. All the ladies' eyes were on him. In jealousy, I grabbed his uneven collar and kissed him hard, claiming him. Everyone was burning in envy.

I smirked and was about to move when Elina sauntered over. Her boobs were all over and her skirt rode up showing her ass.

"Hey handsome", she fluttered her eyelashes. "I'm here when you get over her," she said.

She put her number in his pocket. Then she dared to smirk and sway her ass back to Dr Smith.

I expected him to throw it on her face. But he didn't even throw the paper. I got mad at him and stomped off forward.

"Wait, Daisy!" He shouted. I kept walking.

He grabbed my hand and pulled us to a stop. "Listen, I kept her number so that my men could teach her a lesson. I have eyes only for you my love" he confessed. I smiled and blushed.

We reached the entrance.  "Bye love" he kissed me and left. I went back in to check my duties. What a day!


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