Chapter 13

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Flashback cont...

1 month ago...

Jo and Nico arrived at their usual park spot. Just late by a minute but I don't mind waiting for them for a long time.

"Hey" I greeted walking towards the bench they were at. Jo looked up shocked and Nico squealed, "Momma look! It's Lukeeeees!".

Jo shook her head and turned to me with narrow eyes. "What do you think you're doing here?" She glared.

I just smiled and sat down. "Joanne, I don't talk around the bush, I just go straight to the point. I like you. And I like Nico too. And I want you both in my life. By that, I mean till the end, whenever that is. So what I'm trying to say is, I want to take you on a date, and if Nico would like to join us, well, it's joy overloaded. So what do you say, love?" I breathed out.

She was shocked, again. Who wouldn't be? Anyone would, in her place. If somebody walks up to me while I'm playing with my kid and says they wanna try something, I'll just shoot their fucking brains. Not in front of my kid, obviously.

"I don't know Lucas. I don't even know you for starters and you're here telling me your profound like toward my son and me. If it was just me, trust me, I would have happily said yes. But my son is involved here, I can't risk his happiness or peace. I'm sorry. I hope you understand and stop trying to see me anymore", she said smiling sadly.

She got up to move when Nico said," Momma, me don't have pwoblem for you and Lukees. Me think Lukees good man. Me like Lukees, Momma like too?"

My little man roots for me and ships us! Fuck, I love this kid. And he is all mine. I smiled down at him.

"Let's go Nico baby. Good day, Lucas" she said and left with him holding her hands.

"Nico sees you another day Lukees. Thanks for my chokis" he shouted and walked away with his mom. Little man is intelligent huh?


Little guy and I have been spending secret time without his mom knowing. He gets so excited whenever we meet and it's been 1 month since I asked her out and admitted my feelings to her, Jo is yet to reply to me.

I know I'm not a very patient guy, but I don't mind waiting for aeons for my loves. Though I still wish this goes faster. No hurries, all is cool.

Today we met at a secret room in the hospital, which I've turned into a playroom slash nursery.  Hopefully, she won't mind me borrowing our boy for some time.

Here, my mom comes by to meet her grandbaby often. 

Even though I borrowed my kid from his mother, my mother seems to steal my kid from me. There is a huge difference between borrowing and stealing.

I mean like come on! He is mine.

After playing for almost the entire morning, I try to get a tired little guy to sleep.

"Lukees, you wike my momma?" he asks out of the blue.

"Well yeah buddy, I do like her. Why are you asking?" I admit.

"Okay, Lukees. Take caw of momma. Bad mwen come fasth. Lukees okay for me. Lukees okay for momma" he says sleepily and dozes off.

Great. My little man agrees with me being with his mom. But I still have no idea how to get her to like me.

I know she's afraid I'll leave suddenly and that it might affect Nico's life mentally and emotionally.

 But I'm here to stay. For as long as they need me and want me. Basically till my last breath. I just wish Jo realizes that soon enough and accepts me.



I have no idea what to do now. I'm very much confused and have a very unstable mind.

Lucas has been frequently showing up everywhere. His family tried so hard to get us together. Even Daisy is quite adamant about us. She even gave a huge ass speech the other day which is so not like her. 

Nico, my God, he is positively hell-bent on Lucas and I getting together. I don't know if Lucas managed to convince him to get on his team without throwing a tantrum. That would make his ears bleed.

There is a small chance that the flowers I get every day and the chocolates Nico get every day are from Lucas. There are no more pursuers around me, my guess is it's all Lucas's doing.

I mean he is after all the only man who is pursuing me for the past 2 months relentlessly.

Thinking back, it seems like Lucas is just waiting for me for a couple of months now already. Oh my.

That makes me sad yet at the same time makes me happy. I have to make a decision soon.

Do I give it a shot? I mean it's not an injection where I can give a shot and give the anti when needed, it would hurt us both. He might be determined enough to stay. But it's me I'm worried about.

Maybe by talking with him, I might be able to explain and he might just understand and we might just work out. But that's all a huge MIGHT.

I make my way out of my room, and my mind decided on my answer.

On my way through the corridor, I see Daisy. I'm about to call her when I see her going towards the restricted side of the hospital. Even doctors aren't allowed to use that doors.

I silently follow her. I see her taking out a pass and pressing on the scanner, opening the door. She looks around and passes through those doors.

I anxiously follow her and swiftly move inside without her noticing.

I'm confused yet again. What job does Daisy have here? Why is she here? Is there some problem? I don't get it. All this thinking is giving me a headache. 

Taking a few turns around the place, she finally stops at a door. I hide behind a stack of boxes. Knocking on it twice, she brings her hands down.

The entire place is pin-drop silent. The only sounds heard are her footsteps. 

The door opens and I gasp loudly in the pin drop silent area. I didn't expect this. How could she?


THE MAFIA'S MOMMA DOCTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon