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TW: Slight Blood, Violence

"...their crying..."

As the worker finally closed the door behind him, Lance noticed that Leo had left the knife on the floor. Lance picked it up and inspected it.

The more he looked at it, the more it looked more familiar. He soon realized that it had been the knife he got him when they were on a camping trip once. It was slightly bigger than a travel-sized one. In the wood was carved 'Leo' and on the other side was the name of the camp. Lance was confused why he still kept it after all this time but he shrugged it off. He wiped off the little splat of blood on his pants and clicked the button that made it go back down the hole then he put it in his nightstand's dresser. Hopefully, he would have more luck keeping it than the journal entry of Nixon's. Speaking of the journal entry, Lance got up and looked at the folded clothes on his dresser, seeing the clothes he wore before. They had given them back to him a while ago, but he just kept forgetting to put them away. He went over and began searching the pockets in hopes he would find the paper. To his dismay, he didn't. Defeated, he grabbed the clothes and put them in the top dresser drawer.

Raising his spirits again, he saw a paper in the dresser, and it turned out to be the journal paper, but now, written in the corner, it had a small note on it. It said:

Don't go around losing things. It's dangerous.. - Georgia

As he remembered the maids that were with him as he changed from the party outfit, when he had the paper, he remembered Georgia. He must've been too caught up in everything to remember her from not ratting him out, or she didn't make herself noticeable.

He smiled as he grabbed it, "Boom, Elena there's your evidence." He loved that he could prove that he wasn't lying. He stuffed it in his shoe this time so it would be on him and less at stake of getting washed in the laundry. He then walked back to his bed and sat down.

He looked at his arm and examined it more. "Damn," he lightly whispered.

He heard a very light knock on the door and he jumped up.

He heard a soft, "Can I come in?" He walked over by the door and said, "Georgia?"

The door opened and revealed her with the medical supply bag once more. She shut the door behind her and locked it. "I have a plan," she told him.

"It'll take a while though," she added. Lance told her to go ahead and explain it and he thanked her for the paper.

"Okay," she started, "Mr. Grover is keeping the phones in a drawer in his room. I overheard him panicking about the news, and when I checked it, someone had finally filed a 'missing persons' report. I think it was for the Klaus one from what I remember. But, apparently, Klaus had told his parents he was staying with... Beatrix, I think for the weekend. Obviously, when he didn't come home on Monday, they got worried. But, there are no traces of him since there's no service for at least fifty miles. So, if I get a hold of his phone, I can drive out one night and tell his parents where we're at."

"So how are you getting the phones?" Lance asked as he sat on the bed.

"Hopefully I have enough time during the costume party he's been talking about. Neither Mr. Grover or Ms. Grover will be in the room, so I can hopefully sneak in and steal Klaus's and drive off to text his parents," She kept standing, not wanting to sit beside Lance and make him uncomfortable.

"Lana- er- Ms. Grover wouldn't care if you took the phones. If anything, you should tell her about them," he told her.

"Can't take any chances with her. We can't ruin this plan, even if we can trust her,"

The Devil in the Form of Those That Follow: LethiferousWhere stories live. Discover now