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TW: Slight mention of drugs, Slight violence

"I have no idea..."

It was the next day, and no one could shake off what happened at that party. They had been sitting in the dining room since Vincent had called for them to eat breakfast and was letting them have some free time with the workers guarding the exits. Sadly, not everyone was there. Clover and Beatrix were still in the basement and Lana was stuck with Vincent. Tommy wasn't there either, but that was because Vincent had decided to not inform him so that he'd miss out on it. They had been talking for a minute and the conversation got to the whole 'dad situation' with Lana.

"I mean he wanted her to stab her dad. What kind of sicko thinks of that stuff?" Kai almost hollered but kept it down.

"Why would he ev'n wont her ta do vat?" Remington asked as he moved his chair a little closer to everyone.

"It's Vincent. What do you expect?" Klaus scoffed as he looked at Remington.

"He was talking about her childhood and how he made it bad, and Vincent's kind of in love with her so maybe in his mind that's how you get rid of trauma or something," Greg suggested.

"Well, what did her dad even do to her?" Elena asked everyone.

"Has she never told you about it?" Lance asked her and she shook her head 'no'.

"I don't know either," Kai jutted in, followed by Remington and Klaus. Greg sat with a confused face.

"That's weird. She usually ends up oversharing it to anyone she meets," Greg said in an almost shocked tone.

"I remember when she first informed me of it. It was a bit much to take in," Ophelia added.

"Well, I mean what happened to her?" Klaus asked to get something happening.

Greg hesitated to answer. He didn't really want to tell them since Lana didn't tell them by herself. Eventually, Lance took over.

"I'll try to sugarcoat it a little," he started, "Basically, her dad's a piece of shit. He did drugs even though it was ruining everything around him. After Lana and her siblings begged him to stop, he kept going. He would manipulate Lana into ratting out her mom for doing the simplest things, which always ended with..... Well, it didn't end well," Lance looked around at everyone, "I don't feel comfortable talking about it, but you can probably guess a bunch of other things he did based on that." He shrunk back into his seat.

Lance looked at everyone and no one said anything. They all either looked at the ground or up at the ceiling. After a moment of dead silence, Elena spoke up.

"That's horrible... Imagine how she felt when she saw him, then almost being forced to kill him..." Elena said quietly. The room filled up with silence once again. After a while of silence, Elena scoffed thinking about what occurred at the party, "I still can't believe what Beatrix did. I mean, how could she do that and try to lie about it? Like, at least own up to it." Elena ranted, changing the subject.

"Is that all you really care about right now?" Kai asked her with annoyance.

"No, she didn't lie," Lance butted in. 

"And he's fueling it," Kai mumbled as he put his head in his hand.

"I meant to tell you guys earlier," Lance continued, "When I walked out, I went into Nixon's room," he whispered, "I saw a weird journal thing Nixon had and he basically talked about everything he's done. He's actually on Vincent's side and for some reason, he had to complete a 'test' and it was to make Beatrix fall in love with him... which he almost completed," Lance stopped and sighed a little before starting again, "But anyways, he came up with the plan of us escaping I'm guessing to make Beatrix trust him and then he told Vincent about the plan to ruin us. I'm not sure why he decided to drag Clover into it too, but that's what actually happened. She didn't lie about anything, she just decided to trust a maniac," Lance stopped again and muttered, "And she decided to sleep with one, too." under his breath, but luckily nobody really paid attention to that part.

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