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One and a half hours passed until Ruben ended the meeting; he took all the time in the world for every single participant who wanted to speak briefly and then said goodbye to the group. For him, it had been the alien invasion of New York. Two thousand twelve changed many things. No, this day simply changed everything. The universe was so much bigger than any human could have ever imagined. And who says it stopped there?

At the half, the chairs standing in the circle, Ruben stopped putting them together and went to Page, where he asked for her book. Didn't have it with her, was her answer, but Ruben knew that wasn't the case, yet he left it at that and put his hand on her shoulder, saying he'd be there for another half hour because he had some paperwork to do, in case, if she did want to talk, she should let her know.

Beyond that there was no reason for Ruben at least Page saw none for him to sign what he called her book. Not a word said, late and she didn't even take a seat. No one deserves a lolly for that.

"Next time Ruben," Page smiled weakly and put a hand on his arm in thanks, causing him to nod briefly, "It's all good."

"Nothing at all is fine, otherwise you wouldn't have to serve your hours here," the man in black said after Ruben had gone to his papers and Page was sitting in the incomplete circle; elbows on knees and fingers interlocked, "What was it with you, if I may take the liberty of asking."

"Nothing spectacular. Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy," Page couldn't do more than shrug and snort at that moment because it had happened, it couldn't be helped and now she had to live with the decision of her actions, "That's all it ever is, isn't it?". Yes it is, there are worse things. To have a stupid brother, for example, who was an absolute genius and because of that believed he could mess with the whole world, just because it wasn't nice to him. Yes, and because he believed he could win, I can toast his birthday the day after tomorrow at an empty grave and celebrate the anniversary of his death on Christmas morning. This act was also so stupid and could only go wrong. The smartest people end up being the biggest jerks."

Page originally wanted to keep her response as small as possible, but then it just bubbled out of her and wouldn't end, which was probably thanks to the day.

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