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'And now maybe you will succeed where the others have failed. Do you think you will get away without a test? I promise my work will continue.'

..... When you look at yourself, look closely in the mirror, you have to admit to yourself who you are. But not only to yourself, but to everyone else as well. For the first time in forever, I don't have a war to fight anymore. And I guess if I'm honest, I'm scared.

"How about you Miss?" asked a man Page had seen a picture of in some file, without a name though, "A little late."

"I know. It's not the first time I've been told this in a group meeting," but the man beckoned Page over, who pulled a chair from the wall and placed it in second row, "I was never in the war. What do you want me to tell?"

"What you want," if it were up to that, an hour would not be enough, "I have a feeling you have something to tell anyway."

"You can tell by looking at people, can't you? My name is Page and I'm not a soldier like any of you are. Until recently I was an agent with the FBI, so I don't know what it's like to be at war; not knowing how you're going to get home or if you're even going to make it. Not being able to sleep because an attack could happen at any time. I was in New York when the portal opened up there and the aliens came and attacked the city. You don't get trained for something like that, what's the point? Until that day, the only aliens we knew were Ridley Scott's, and honestly, who would have ever thought, even after Thor showed up, that it wouldn't stop there and we'd be just one of millions of species in the universe," it was hard to imagine because it was like a science fiction story, not life, as Page had previously believed, "Not too long ago, there was a serial killer and we got an anonymous tip. A colleague and I went there without saying anything because we didn't know if it was a waste of time or not. If we hadn't gone there, followed up on it, and it had been genuine, we would have had a problem as well. Either way, the thing was strange and we could have guessed it would be a trap. We were expected. As soon as we got inside, my colleague had a scalpel rammed through his temple into his head and before I could get to my gun, I was knocked unconscious. When I woke up, I was tied to a chair and my colleague was lying on the floor staring at me. Yeah, what is he doing to me? Is he skinning me like the woman in the park? Does he cut my forearms long ago so he can drape me nicely with my tendons, like a puppet, because it's his thing? Everything was possible. He started by separating my face from the tissue..... Shots rang out, but he got away. Someone on the team overheard that we had been driving and sent reinforcements. At the historical museum, a week later, he announced his grand finale. More deaths than all the previous ones combined. His great masterpiece. We got there earlier than he expected and Body Worlds was a joke compared to what we found. All of a sudden, things got hectic. I don't even remember how it happened. We searched the building and when my gun was empty, I took one off the wall. Old though functional, what I didn't expect though was the mess afterwards. It was the old version of a shotgun. It was over and life goes on. It didn't get better by a long shot. My colleague and.... Ex-boyfriend, wanted to slit my throat. A stupid family drama I got into. I knew if he pulled the knife from right to left, I would still survive, but, if he pushed the blade a little deeper into my neck, I wouldn't.... For the past few days, one thing has been on my mind.  'Are you present detective? If so, you're probably the last one who hasn't fallen yet. And now you may succeed where the others have failed. Do you think you'll get away without a test? I promise my work will continue. Do you think it's over just because I'm dead? It is far from over. The games have only begun.'  My brother created something with A.I.M. and this week has taught me that I will continue what company one stood for. More than ten years I was in the FBI, which I owe to my father alone; saw more than I ever wanted to see, and it's enough to last me the rest of my life. And even though I'm free now, I don't feel like I am."

Another truth is that the one who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing. We only know about the future that it will be different, but perhaps we are only afraid that everything will remain as it is. That's why we should celebrate change, because, as someone once said, everything is good in the end. And if everything is not good, believe me, it is not the end.

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