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Two books and Page owned a clear favorite.

Frank Castle's story was far from perfect, which made it feel authentic. There were ups and downs, some twists and turns, and a few surprises. In addition, the main character was not the most sympathetic, not at all, but still, and this might be confusing, the character seemed honest, because there was no attempt to create exactly the opposite. Every single action and deed also fit, which values and convictions were represented by him and statements of third parties, also coincided with it. Shoots times gladly beyond its goal; an urge to violence, where gladly times, was struck in the first place and that thinking, only afterwards followed and not to forget, loving husband and father. Not an easy man, who had to experience, watch and endure a lot.

Compared to this, the story of Billy Russo seemed like a list that has been worked off. A boy from an orphanage joins the army to become a soldier, is excellent at it, and ends up as a rich businessman with his own company. With him, every step seems clearly calculated to get where he wants to go. It didn't read like a life because it was a working off of one station after the next. The middle part, his time in the army and as a soldier, might have been neither easy nor nice, no one wants to deny that, but it didn't change anything that at the end of the story, this seemed like a stepping stone. Here were no big surprises or a twist that the reader has not come. As bad one could not call this boo, nevertheless it was more one for in between, which did not remain large in memory.

All in one, it was now clear why Billy Russo would never seem suspicious and that was thanks to his excellent resume.


Being dead didn't mean being dead. Someone in Russo's circle of acquaintances was so over it or hard of it that this person was able to kill two people and then, by their sinews, hang them up in space like puppets. A person like Billy would never get his hands dirty himself, but would always hire people to do it.

"We have narrowed down the group of suspects to the following. Money problems, suspended from duty, traumatic stress disorder and similar mental illnesses, and connections to listed criminals," one agent explained, tapping the keyboard of his laptop, the number of thumbnails on the wall halved, "Remaining now are these here and added are these here."

"Without having seen all the faces, but I'm guessing very heavily that Simon Roman isn't one of them," which the agent on the laptop confirmed directly and Page crossed his right leg over his left as well as slid his left hand under his right thigh, "What a shit.... ok. What about that nutjob from Hells Kitchen? Why is he in?"

"Castle," a series of photos from the prison appeared and last but not least a video of Frank Castle summarily disarming other inmates as well as staff, "No wonder why the press calls him the Punk."

"And that's exactly why, because of what we just got to see, you can cross Castle off the list and thus all the people who are there solely because of the Frank Castle connection," there weren't many faces that disappeared but every little bit of progress meant they were making headway and thus, it was still only a matter of time before Page and her team, had the killer, "Who, according to the records, is the biggest psycho we have?"

A man who had died in the last year.

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