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Today, as well as the previous ones, had hardly any good news and being the bearer of bad news would not make it better. One bad news after another and an end was far from in sight.

"Do you have a minute?" asked Page, having long since entered the office and only then, knocking on the door, which, according to this, no longer served any purpose. "They found Rawlins..... and more dead. The CIA and Homeland are collecting the body right now and securing the scene."

"Excuse me?" echoed Ryan, taking down the file he was reading, "Why dead and supposed to have happened?"

"The past happened," a rather nice way of putting it, Page thought, for what happened, "Let's just say Rawlins was a little over ambitious and as a result, didn't make the best decisions. If you want to know what happened and why it happened, I'll give you Agent Dina Madani's number. This whole mess is related to Castle, so I guess she will answer your questions as well and why he is gone. At this point I would like to say I'm sorry but that would be the biggest lie ever and extremely hypocritical. Sorry dad but ne."

Everyone (gets) what he or she deserves. Eventually it all comes out. All the lies and missteps that were well guarded and where you thought they will never reach the light of day. What happens then remains to be seen. Not everything in life is in our hands, no matter how much we wish for it.


First, minutes passed as Page looked at the blank document on her laptop's screen, then began to write and erased it all again. Back to square one.

In her mind, everything was there, only, the right words were missing. Over and over again, she heard the tape replaying in her head, repeating what she had said. It was all there. Nothing was missing, Page just didn't have the right way to put it.

A new attempt, but as Page saved the document, she already knew that this, too, was going in the wrong direction and kept tapping the tabletop with the fingernail of her index finger. There was nothing wrong with what she had written. Something was missing, and what was missing was like a slap in the face.

In the end, Page put the printed page in a blank envelope, wrote the recipient's name on top, and placed the envelope on Ryan's desk as he walked out.

Job done.

✔ᵉⁿᵍˡⁱˢʰ War Dogs [The Punisher | Frank Castle]✔Where stories live. Discover now