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When in doubt, Ryan liked to say one thing. Listen to your gut, intuition is always on your side. Intuition is a voice that can tell us who is friend and who is foe. Who we should stay away from and who we should embrace. But all too often, we get distracted, by fear, by doubt, by our own defiant desires, and we don't listen to it.

"Stop. Turn around. Come back. Sit," Page called after Castle, who stopped, turned and gave her an 'I'm not a dog' look, "One thing Castle, just one. Give me one thing that will make me believe your half-baked story."

"Can't," Frank replied, causing Page to put on a big smile and turn back to her laptop after shrugging what amounted to a, well, then don't, "Is it the pretty face or his oh-so-great charm that makes you not want to believe me?"

"Wow, that's one way to call someone shallow," twice in one day, first Ryan and now Castle, what a lucky day it was and Page had to be insulted in an indirect way, "What's next? Stupid little girl or naive girl? If you have no proof and are merely here to insult me Castle, you can leave right now and let me work in peace. I don't need anyone trying to put a stamp on me, especially from someone like you who doesn't know me or my life, and practices vigilantism. And if you don't know the word, look it up. Have a pleasant day."

Be that as it may. So Page flipped the laptop back open and the first thing he did was create a note on the desktop that said 'Sin City.'

We live a digital world, an age where anyone can get anything, just about anything, at any time, if he or she is willing to pay the appropriate price. This included information and nothing, really nothing, was one hundred percent safe if it was digital and connected to a server.

Page called it healthy paranoia. She couldn't and wasn't allowed to rename everything as she wished, but the things that belonged to an ongoing investigation and were initially of concern only to her were given a new, for pending, meaningless name.

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