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"At this point Lieberman, I hope for your sake we won't be too late", with what was going on in front of Page's eyes, this little comment was still quite friendly, "Otherwise you will have to answer for Castle's death to the Department of Defense"

As has been said before. The time for warnings was over. Long gone.

A new window opened on the screen, which must have belonged to a hidden surveillance camera, showing the safe house where Lieberman had been hiding all this time.

Tied to a chair, Castle sat, beaten bloody, if not as good as dead.

In front of him, a burly man in black gloves, covered in blood from top to bottom, was beating Frank. It was impossible to tell who this was at that moment and the angle of the camera shots, but it was safe to assume it was Rawlins.

Further down at the edge of the frame, a tall, slender man stood watching the glove wearer punch Castle. Most likely Billy Russo, because from the stature it would fit.

And the only thing Madani was interested in was whether this was being recorded. As an agent, the first thought should have been, if only because their exchange had gone wrong, to get the hostage out of there alive. Which Madani certainly didn't want to do.

"How does accessory to murder sound to you two?" interrupted Page briskly, pulling out her phone and merely tapping the screen twice, "The address, and I mean now. Not in a minute, thirty seconds, but now! Where is it?"

"Frank said if he can't kill them, then.... at least you have evidence against Rawlins and Russo," Lieberman explained as his voice rolled over, unable to watch it himself, "All the evidence you need. Please, we have to help him before it's too late."

"Wow thank you," continuing on the phone, Page forcefully tapped his index finger on the monitor with the live feed for support, "Address!"

If it really wasn't too late for that by now. The way Rawlings was hitting Frank, and the way the CIA man looked, it would be a miracle if Castle was still alive.

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