Chapter 2.1

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Inventory took longer than expected, and night had fallen by the time Joan and Gabriël left the apothecary, but no one complained. Raphael had been glad to see his friend and fellow Archangel, so he and Gabriël talked while Joan inspected the herbs. He invited the pair to stay for dinner, but both had kindly refused. Joan didn't mind working for Raphael, but she disliked his constant chattering. She had always preferred silence. Until, of course...

"Um, Joan? My house is this way, remember?"

She looked up at Gabriël. He had gone right as she continued straight to her own little farmhouse. 

"We need to stay together," said Gabriël upon noting her confused expression. "I have guard duty in an hour."

"You're kidding, right?" complained Joan. "I've been up since dawn, and I haven't eaten yet."

"You can eat at my house. Or do you really hate my company that much?"

Joan didn't want to answer that. She just rolled her eyes and followed him. No, she didn't hate his company. On the contrary, she enjoyed it. Gabriël was one of the few who understood her and knew what she needed. What she hated was this whole situation. Then again, it could have been worse if Gabriël hadn't spoken up for her. She could have been stuck with Raphael, for example. Oh, that would have been punishment!

They continued in silence, Joan a few steps behind Gabriël. Passing the Lake of Nevaeh, she now realised how similar they were. In living arrangements, at least. They both preferred solitude over neighbours, the calm of nature... On a clear day, they could see one another across the lake. But unless one invited the other, it remained an occasional wave. Having this new arrangement was already endangering that silent mutual understanding.
One thing she found fascinating about Gabriël's home is that it often transformed its appearance. Sometimes it was a farmhouse like hers, or a Victorian residence, and even a tower. She could have sworn she saw an igloo once, too. It's like he just couldn't settle on one style. He had to try them all. Right now, it was a homey country cottage with a stable sheltered by a giant willow tree.

A horse left the stable to meet them as they approached; Thirza, a dainty palomino mare. Every angel who received combat training was tested to see if they could handle one of the Heavenly Horses. It was rare to pass this test. Joan had, as everyone had expected her to, although she struggled at first. Her own stallion, Spiritus, was purest white, except for his manes, which were black as coal. He was probably wondering where she was. She rarely stayed away for this long. Across the lake, she saw him grazing. As she thought of him, he raised his head, and she smiled. 
Thirza accompanied them to the front door, where Gabriël hugged her gently and whispered some words. Joan watched curiously. There was a rumour that Archangels who had bonded with a Heavenly Horse could have an actual conversation that none other could understand. It's what made them indispensable as leaders in the cavalry (though some wondered how Gabriël would ever lead since he was no outstanding fighter. They even wondered how he had bonded in the first place.). An animal could sense danger, whereas other beings could not. It was definitely an advantage to have that bond.

As Joan followed Gabriël into the cottage, she noticed the table in the kitchen was already set for two, with food ready to eat. Cooking was the one thing nobody had to do because it was always right there (though they could if they wanted to). Nobody understood how, but nobody asked either. At least, not anymore. Food - and sleep, too - was not necessary for survival, after all. It was merely a means to replenish energy and to give the new arrivals some peace of mind that not everything from mortal life was gone.
Joan moved her plate further away to the far end of the table and sat sulking. Gabriël frowned but said nothing. She was grateful he got the hint. Yes, he was only helping, but she honestly didn't care. For all his good intentions, Gabriël was her jailer now. It changed everything between them. And that hurt her more than he could possibly imagine.

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