Chapter 27.2

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It had become painfully clear Joan was long gone. Even Anne had to admit it was no use to continue the search. She insisted Thomas and Hypatia continue their efforts to track Joan down, though, hoping that maybe they'd be allowed a small miracle. The magicians took turns every few hours to keep the locator spell going. They would know the minute it locked on to the Fallen Angel's position.
When her husband wasn't in the Vault, he was right at Anne's side, helping in whatever had to be done. She loved him dearly for wanting to aid her, but the growing circles under his eyes betrayed his weariness. Still, Thomas refused to rest. There was too much to do. Like instructing and training their guests, for example.

Though not a descendant of a magician herself, Salomé had a knack for the craft. It had been a long time since Thomas had a student, and he revelled in teaching her. She quickly grasped the fundamentals of spell casting, much to Thomas' amazement, and even managed to throw him across the room (to the great delight of her grandfather). Juan paired with Carlos, showing him how to fight with a sword, whilst Richard instructed Fleur and Esperanza.
The real surprise, though, was the children declaring they also wanted to fight. Anne admitted that learning the basics to defend themselves wouldn't be bad, but she wouldn't allow them to go anywhere near an actual fight. On the sidelines, with bow and arrow, was close enough. Yet she warned them to always go for the kill — a wounded animal was more dangerous, after all.
Everyone was focused hard on their training when a sudden ruckus outside made them pause. The doors burst open, and in stormed Adeline, quickly followed by Hypatia and Remy.

"Adeline, for God's sake, stop!" exclaimed Hypatia. "You're going to hurt yourself!"

"Whoa, where do you think you're going, young lady?" Thomas jumped in front of his daughter before she could go any further.

"I've come to train with you," she stated, out of breath. "Uncle Richard, give me a sword."

"You'll do no such thing," said Thomas sharply, quickly glancing at Richard to ensure he wouldn't hand her a weapon. "Adeline, you're still recovering from your wounds. You're in no condition to —"

"For God's sake, I'm fine! I heard auntie Hypatia and auntie Olympe talking about the Horsemen. They've already struck in Asia and South-America, so it's only a matter of time before they come to Europe. If you're training to go up against them, I should too. You need everyone."

"But this is not about the Horsemen, is it?" asked Anne.

She watched Adeline closely as her daughter pressed her lips together. She believed she knew what this was really about and held her hand out.

"Vient ici. C'est lui qui tu veux, non? Borgia? C'est pourquoi tu veux te combattre."

"He came into my home." Adeline's voice quivered with rage. "He came after me, after Remy. Je veux lui détruire, maman. Je te promets que je suis en ordre. Laisse-moi, s'il te plait."

Anne looked deep into her daughter's eyes. Though Adeline had survived Borgia's attack, the demon had destroyed the peaceful life she and her son led in France. She wanted to decimate Borgia for killing so many of her family, but she wasn't the only one entitled to vengeance.

"Richard, give her a sword," Anne said calmly.

"Anne, no!" exclaimed her husband.

"She needs to do this, Thomas. And if we can't stop her, we will help her. Pair with your father, darling. Everyone else, resume your training."

Thomas spluttered another objection as Adeline took the sword from Richard, but it was no use. Neither she nor Anne would relent. 

"Oh, for the love of—fine!" He grunted in exasperation. "Salomé, keep working on the spell I just taught you. Focus on your breathing. And you; take a proper stance. You're way too easy to disarm like that."

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