Chapter 19.2

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The sun felt warm. Not too warm, though. It was exactly right. Perfectly balanced with the wind that softly blew through the high grass. The cascading sound of the waterfall harmonised with the serenity surrounding Michael. Yet as he lay on the ground, eyes scanning the clear blue sky above him, he felt something was off. 

"Something on your mind?"

Michael turned his head to where the voice had come from. A blurred shadow sat beside him. Why could he not see the man's face? 

"I do not know," he answered, despite his apprehension. "It is like I have... been here before."

"What are you talking about? We always come here when we want to be together. It is our special place."

Their special place. His and... A hand caressed Michael's face. The touch felt familiar. Reassuring.

"Michael, look at me."

The man was no longer a mere shadow, but the most beautiful creature Michael had ever laid eyes upon. How could he not have recognised him? This was his dearest friend. His lover and soulmate. His Morning Star.

"Clear your head," said Lucifer. "Just be here with me."

He leaned down. Their lips brushed against each other. A sense of calm swept through Michael. Only Lucifer could instil that within him. 

"I do not deserve you," he whispered. "I never have."

Lucifer smiled. "True. And yet, there is no one I would rather be with."

Michael drew the other Archangel back to him by the nape of his neck. His fingers slid into those soft raven locks as Lucifer lovingly captured his lips again. He unbuttoned Michael's white shirt and traced his skin from his neck to his collarbone with a fleeting stroke of his fingertips. Michael shivered underneath Lucifer's touch and gasped against his lips. How he enjoyed when his lover teased him thus.
They continued their play for a while longer, but eventually, Lucifer drew back and leaned on his arm to look down at Michael. He casually caressed Michael's chest, right above his heart.

"What is it?" asked Michael when he noticed Lucifer's pensive look.

"I was just thinking... What are your thoughts on children? Would you like one?"

Michael immediately sat up, pushing Lucifer away from him. The same unnerving sensation he'd had before rolled over him. This all felt too familiar.

"Why do you ask this?" he asked, unable to hide the suspicion in his voice.

"It was just a question, my love. No need to get defensive. I cannot help but wonder what a child of yours would look like. Probably just like you; same jawline, same eyes, same hair, same lips." He placed his fingers against Michael's mouth as he said those last words. "Yes... Yes, I can see it now. Perfection. Like you."

"I am far from perfect, Lucifer. And we should not talk about such things. It can never happen for us."

"Because of what we are?"

"Archangels were not created to breed. We are not like the humans."

Lucifer sighed and lay down, placing his head in Michael's lap. An amused smirk graced his face. That was the problem with him. Michael never knew what went on behind that smile.

"I was actually referring to our sex," he said. "I mean, it would certainly be a rare sight for one of us to suddenly be with child. Raphael would examine us inside and out every single day to get to the bottom of such a turn of events. Hm... On second thought, maybe we should take some precaution next time we fuck each other senseless. Just in case."

Fallen AngelTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon